Commit 4b15441d by Tom Laudeman

Add overview

parent 6974192b
Question: Why are we using resource name instead of doing a join to the related constellation via ic_id? Does
related_resource_name exist for performance reasons?
### Overview
Archival resources as described in the CPF resourceRelation should have more data than captured by
EAC-CPF. SNAC had begun this work by adding an <objectXMLWrap> to the resourceRelation. This XML snippet
contained some <mods> or a fragment of <ead>. The data includes details about the resource and it's holding
### Description of new fields and tables
We will add fields to table related_resource, and (perhap?) create new table related_resource_name.
Question: Why are we using resource name instead of doing a join to the related constellation via ic_id? Does
related_resource_name exist for performance reasons?
Resource language is a many-to-one. Use a reverse foreign key from the multiple records in the language
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