Commit 68ba2f18 by Tom Laudeman

Add Groups, update Roles and Privileges

parent f46771cc
......@@ -15,7 +15,16 @@ For additional background about users, please see:
supplied by the database as a record id, which is a unique integer. User must have a unique username, which
is some string; we currently use an email address for username.
- Each user belongs to one or more roles, and roles have privileges, therefore users have privileges.
- Each user has one or more roles, and roles have privileges, therefore users have privileges.
- User by belong to groups, for the purposes of workflow. For example a group of users who are "All Reviewers"
or the smaller group "Reviewers, Welsh".
- Create and destroy Roles
- Add privileges, but this can be done via manual methods since privileges must be integrated with the code.
- Create, destroy, and manage membership of Groups
- Support for data necessary to authenticate (log in), which is currently handled outside DBUser by
OpenID. This data includes an access token and expires time.
......@@ -103,43 +112,46 @@ The system has privileges used to implement authorization in the code, extensive
DBUser API. Each user belongs to one or more roles, and roles have privileges, therefore users have
### Authorization management
SNAC has Roles, Privileges, and Groups of users. The critical core of authorization is Privilege. Roles exist
only make the system easier to administer. Groups exist to add flexibiliy and convenience to workflows and
some user interface.
Roles have privileges. Users have Roles and therefore users indirectly have privileges. Users are optionally
members of groups. Groups exist to streamline workflow such as "send for review" by any member of a group of
reviewers. In fact, the primary use case for Groups is the reviewing process.
### Privileges
The SNAC permission system is based entirely on privileges (permissions). Groups of privileges are
The SNAC permission system is based entirely on privileges (permissions). Sets of privileges are
roles. Privileges authorize users to run various functions. Ownership of a constellation is a non-concept, and
essentially the system owns all functions. In a situation like SNAC where there is a single owner, the Linux
concept of "owner" has no utility in authorization. The Linux concept of "other" doesn't apply to SNAC as
"other" is only allowed to perform read-only actions such as search. That leaves SNAC needing only a privilege
system analogous to Linux "group". Note that SNAC role would be analogous to a group of Linux groups.
essentially the system owns all functions and all constellations. However, a user can have a constellation
locked, and a constellation can only be locked to a single user.
Note that affiliation is a property of each user account, and there is a single affiliation per user.
(Optional paragraph) Not having "files", there is no concept of "file has no privileges" for user, group, or
other. An example of what SNAC does not have is the shared web server situation where user grants privileges
and group removes privileges. In a shared web server, users are all assigned to a group "users". Web
accessible directories have no group permissions and are owned by group user. Lacking permissions for group
user, no one in group user has any access. Actual access then is granted only to the owner who has
read-write-execute (rwx) for that directory. Apache runs as suexec for each user, and thus each user's CGI
scripts gain access to only that user's directory via the user privileges.
SNAC lacks the Linux "subtractive" permission which is sometimes used with groups permissions. Instead SNAC
has only additive permissions.
SNAC privileges are additive. Any privilege not explicitly allowed is explicitly forbidden.
In a global sense, the cumulative collection of users and privileges is complicated. However, that complexity is
essential (not accidental) and on a per-user or per-privilege basis, things are very manageable. When managing the
essential (not accidental) and on a per-user, per-role, per-privilege basis, things are very manageable. When managing the
system, imagine asking these typical, and manageable questions:
- List all users affiliated with my affilation
- Can user X edit a constellation?
- Can user X publish a constellation?
- Can user X send a constellation for review by user Y?
- List all users who can enroll new users for any affiliation
- List all users who can Add Users
- List all users who can only enroll new users only for own-affiliation
- List all users who can publish constellations
- List all users who can publish constellations.
- List all users who may run reports for their own affiliation
- List all users affiliated with my affilation
- List all users who may run reports for their own affiliation.
Below is an example. Anyone who can log in can get a dashboard, so there are no specific dashboard permissions
(yet). The user id "public" and the privilege "research" may not make any sense. Conceptually, everyone has privilege
......@@ -156,17 +168,18 @@ Pulling a couple of random details from the table below, and wording them in Eng
- Casey at CDL can approve NACO submissions (NACO approve), modify constellations, change constellation
status, change owner/lock of constellations, and publish constellations.
- Jessie at NYPL create new users affiliated with NYPL, run reports with NYPL constraints, and can assign
privileges only for NYPL (privilege-assign-own).
| user | description | privileges |
| User | Description | Privileges |
| Marley Turner | content expert | Create + Edit |
| Remy Roberts | power editor | Create + Edit + Publish + Change Locks |
| Casey Miyazaki | editor, affiliation CDL | Create + Edit + Publish + NACO approve + report-own-affiliation |
| Jessie Coughlin | admin, affiliation NYPL | Enroll + Assign Roles + report-own-affiliation |
| Avery Valenzuela | super admin | Enroll + Assign Roles + report-any-affiliation |
| Jessie Coughlin | admin, affiliation NYPL | Add Users + Assign Roles + report-own-affiliation |
| Avery Valenzuela | super admin | Add Users + Assign Roles + report-any-affiliation |
Privileges have a number of traits.
......@@ -236,16 +249,22 @@ Discuss: Why are Edit and Create are separate privileges? It seems like a good i
would clarify our intent.
| Privilege | Privilege Description |
| Simplified Create | Create basic, simplified, constellations |
| Suggest Edits | Suggest constellation edits |
| Edit | Edit constellations |
| Create | Create new constellations |
| Publish | Publish or commit a constellation after reviewing |
| Change Locks | Change which user has a constellation locked |
| Enroll | Enroll new SNAC participants, create new users |
| Assign Roles | Assign, modify user roles |
| Privilege | Privilege Description |
| Edit | Edit constellations |
| Create | Create new constellations |
| Publish | Publish or commit a constellation after reviewing |
| Send for Review | Send a constellation to reviewer(s) |
| Simplified Create | Create basic, simplified, constellations |
| Suggest Edits | Suggest constellation edits |
| Change Locks | Change which user has a constellation locked |
| Unlock Currently Editing | Unlock constellations stuck in status Currently Editing |
| Add Users | Enrole new SNAC participants (new users), edit new user info |
| Assign Roles | Assign, modify user roles |
| Modify Users | Modify user email, phone numbers, affiliation, etc. |
| Inactivate Users | Able to inactivate user account |
| Manage Groups | Add users to groups, remove users from groups, create and delete groups |
| Manage My Group | Administer the membership of groups I belong to |
......@@ -307,16 +326,17 @@ Question: Should editors also have privileges Simplified Create and Suggest Edit
can easily be added at any time, and are probably better explicitly stated than being conflated somewhere in
the code.
| Role | Privilege(s) | User Description |
| Contributor/Basic Creator | Simplified Create + Suggest Edits | Create simplified constellations, suggest edits |
| Editor, Training | Edit | Editor, no publish, training to be Editor |
| Editor, Full | Edit + Publish | Full editor |
| Reviewer | Editor-role + Change Locks | Editor and moderator |
| Administrator | Reviewer-role + Enroll + Assign | Every admin, only own affiliation |
| Role | Privilege(s) | User Description |
| Contributor/Basic Creator | Simplified Create + Suggest Edits | Create simplified constellations, suggest edits |
| Editor, Training | Edit | Editor, no publish, training to be Editor |
| Editor, Full | Edit + Publish | Full editor |
| Reviewer | Edit + Publish + Change Locks | Editor and moderator |
| Administrator | Add Users + Assign Roles + Modify Users + Manage Groups + Inactivate Users | Manage users, roles, groups |
| System Administrator | All | SNAC developers, super users |
There are certainly additional roles, but the list is evolving. There may be roles related to reporting. Some
There are certainly additional roles, and the list is evolving. There may be roles related to reporting. Some
roles will suggest themselves as new features become available.
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