Commit 6974192b by Tom Laudeman

Adding resource relation spec for MARC/EAD repository data

parent d11de7f2
Question: Why are we using resource name instead of doing a join to the related constellation via ic_id? Does
related_resource_name exist for performance reasons?
Resource language is a many-to-one. Use a reverse foreign key from the multiple records in the language
table, back to the
``` and language.fk_table='related_resource'
Resource name is a many-to-one. Use a reverse foreign key from related_resource_name.fk_id to
``` and related_resource_name.fk_table='related_resource'
The place and address associated with a repository is handled via a place in the constellation. Address data
exists inside a place. Using the on-going oclc symbol/marc org code project, we can create a <place> with an
address in the constellation for each repository. In many cases, we will be creating a CPF stub record for the
holding repository, using the fairly extensive information provided by WorldCat and the LoC marc org code
Several new fields are added to the related_resource table:
- repo_ic_id is the ic_id of the repository (institution) holding the resource item.
- res_title is the resource title, from MARC mods/title or EAD unittitle
- res_abstract is the resource abstract, from MARC mods/abstract or EAD abstract
- res_extent is the resource extent aka size, from MARC or EAD physdesc/extent (multiple!)
Unfortunately we did not capture the MARC 300 extent, so I will have to parse the original WorldCat records for that data.
create table related_resource (
id int default nextval('id_seq'),
version int not null,
ic_id int not null,
is_deleted boolean default false, --
role int, -- @xlink:role, fk to, type document_type, e.g. ArchivalResource
arcrole int, -- @xlnk:arcrole, fk to type document_role, creatorOf, referencedIn, etc
type int, -- @xlink:type, fk to type source_type, always "simple"?
href text, -- @xlink:href, link to the resource
relation_type text, -- @resourceRelationType, only from AnF, maybe put in a second table
relation_entry text, -- relationEntry (name) of the related eac-cpf record (should be unnecessary in db)
relation_entry_type text, -- relationEntry@localType, AnF, always "archiva"?
descriptive_note text,
object_xml_wrap text, -- from objectXMLWrap, xml
repo_ic_id int, -- holding repository ic_id, fk to ic_id
res_title text, -- resource title, from EAD?
res_abstract text, -- resource abstract, from EAD
res_extent text, -- resource extent, from EAD
primary key(id, version)
create table related_resource_name (
id int default nextval('id_seq'),
version int not null,
ic_id int not null,
name text,
fk_id int, -- fk to
fk_table text default 'related_resource' -- related table name
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