Commit eae0fd08 by Robbie Hott

Added example JSON files

parent 82702056
# Constellation Structure
# JSON Constellation Structure
This document defines the entire structure of the API constellation object. For reference, we provide the following examples:
* [Partial constellation structure](/Specifications/Server API/Examples/Partial Constellation.json)
* [Full constellation structure](/Specifications/Server API/Examples/Full Constellation.json)
## Constellation API Definition
The constellation structure has the following components:
"constellation" : {
"dataType": "Constellation",
"id": null,
"version": null,
"ark": "FRAN_NP_050744",
"entityType": "corporateBody",
"otherRecordIDs": [
"type": "entityId",
"href": "Un seul identifiant"
"maintenanceStatus": "new",
"maintenanceAgency": "Archives nationales de France",
"maintenanceEvents": [
"dataType": "MaintenanceEvent",
"id": null,
"version": null,
"eventType": "created",
"eventDateTime": "2014-03-20",
"standardDateTime": null,
"agentType": "human",
"agent": "Florence CLAVAUD",
"eventDescription": "F. Clavaud, 4 mars 2014 : cr\u00e9ation"
"dataType": "MaintenanceEvent",
"id": null,
"version": null,
"eventType": "revised",
"eventDateTime": "2015-10-05",
"standardDateTime": null,
"agentType": "machine",
"agent": "",
"eventDescription": null
"sources": [
"type": null,
"href": null
"legalStatuses": [
"term": "\u00e9tablissement public \u00e0 caract\u00e8re scientifique, culturel et professionnel",
"vocabularySource": null
"conventionDeclaration": "\n \n ",
"constellationLanguage": "Fran\u00e7ais",
"constellationLanguageCode": "fre",
"constellationScript": "",
"constellationScriptCode": "Latn",
"language": null,
"languageCode": null,
"script": null,
"scriptCode": null,
"nameEntries": [
"dataType": "NameEntry",
"id": null,
"version": null,
"original": "Notice Test Collectivit\u00e9",
"preferenceScore": null,
"contributors": [
"type": "authorizedForm",
"contributor": "ANF"
"language": "fre",
"scriptCode": "Latn",
"useDates": null
"dataType": "NameEntry",
"id": null,
"version": null,
"original": "Test Collectivit\u00e9",
"preferenceScore": null,
"contributors": [],
"language": null,
"scriptCode": null,
"useDates": {
"dataType": "SNACDate",
"id": null,
"version": null,
"fromDate": "2012-01-01",
"fromDateOriginal": "2012",
"fromType": null,
"fromBC": false,
"fromRange": {
"notBefore": null,
"notAfter": null
"toDate": "2014-03-03",
"toDateOriginal": "03\/03\/2014",
"toType": null,
"toBC": false,
"toRange": {
"notBefore": null,
"notAfter": null
"isRange": true,
"note": null
"dataType": "NameEntry",
"id": null,
"version": null,
"original": "Collectivit\u00e9 test",
"preferenceScore": null,
"contributors": [],
"language": null,
"scriptCode": null,
"useDates": {
"dataType": "SNACDate",
"id": null,
"version": null,
"fromDate": "2003-01-01",
"fromDateOriginal": "2003",
"fromType": null,
"fromBC": false,
"fromRange": {
"notBefore": null,
"notAfter": null
"toDate": null,
"toDateOriginal": null,
"toType": null,
"toBC": null,
"toRange": {
"notBefore": null,
"notAfter": null
"isRange": true,
"note": null
"occupations": [
"dataType": "Occupation",
"id": null,
"version": null,
"term": "archiviste",
"vocabularySource": "d699msirr1g-3naumnfaswc",
"dates": null,
"note": null
"biogHists": [
"<biogHist>\n <p>Cet \n <span style=\"underline\">organisme fictif<\/span> est cr\u00e9\u00e9 pour faire des \n <span style=\"bold\">tests aux Archives nationales<\/span>. \n <\/p>\n <p>Insertion de \n <span style=\"italic\">caract\u00e8res sp\u00e9ciaux<\/span> : \u00ab blah \u00bb \n <\/p>\n <p>Pas possible de mettre un lien hypertexte ici.<\/p>\n <p>Caract\u00e8res en exposant ?<\/p>\n <p>Liste<\/p>\n <list>\n <item>item 1<\/item>\n <item>item 2<\/item>\n <\/list>\n <citation>Information extraite de la notice des Archives nationals de France (FRAN_NP_050744)<\/citation><\/biogHist>"
"existDates": [
"dataType": "SNACDate",
"id": null,
"version": null,
"fromDate": "2003-01-01",
"fromDateOriginal": "2003",
"fromType": null,
"fromBC": false,
"fromRange": {
"notBefore": null,
"notAfter": null
"toDate": null,
"toDateOriginal": null,
"toType": null,
"toBC": null,
"toRange": {
"notBefore": null,
"notAfter": null
"isRange": true,
"note": null
"existDatesNote": "\n \n ",
"relations": [
"dataType": "ConstellationRelation",
"id": null,
"version": null,
"sourceConstellation": null,
"targetConstellation": null,
"sourceArkID": null,
"targetArkID": null,
"targetEntityType": "CorporateBody",
"type": "hasParent",
"altType": "simple",
"cpfRelationType": "hierarchical-parent",
"content": "Service interminist\u00e9riel des archives de France",
"dates": {
"dataType": "SNACDate",
"id": null,
"version": null,
"fromDate": "2010-01-01",
"fromDateOriginal": "2010",
"fromType": null,
"fromBC": false,
"fromRange": {
"notBefore": null,
"notAfter": null
"toDate": null,
"toDateOriginal": null,
"toType": null,
"toBC": null,
"toRange": {
"notBefore": null,
"notAfter": null
"isRange": true,
"note": null
"note": "<descriptiveNote>\n <p>test sur un lien hi\u00e9rarchique<\/p>\n <p><span localType=\"http:\/\/\/control\/term#ExtractedRecordId\">FRAN_NP_005568<\/span><\/p><\/descriptiveNote>"
"dataType": "ConstellationRelation",
"id": null,
"version": null,
"sourceConstellation": null,
"targetConstellation": null,
"sourceArkID": null,
"targetArkID": null,
"targetEntityType": "Person",
"type": "associatedWith",
"altType": "simple",
"cpfRelationType": "associative",
"content": "Rocard, Michel",
"dates": {
"dataType": "SNACDate",
"id": null,
"version": null,
"fromDate": "2003-01-01",
"fromDateOriginal": "2003",
"fromType": null,
"fromBC": false,
"fromRange": {
"notBefore": null,
"notAfter": null
"toDate": null,
"toDateOriginal": null,
"toType": null,
"toBC": null,
"toRange": {
"notBefore": null,
"notAfter": null
"isRange": true,
"note": null
"note": "<descriptiveNote><p><span localType=\"http:\/\/\/control\/term#ExtractedRecordId\">FRAN_NP_010089<\/span><\/p><\/descriptiveNote>"
"dataType": "ConstellationRelation",
"id": null,
"version": null,
"sourceConstellation": null,
"targetConstellation": null,
"sourceArkID": null,
"targetArkID": "https:\/\/\/siv\/rechercheconsultation\/consultation\/producteur\/consultationProducteur.action?notProdId=FRAN_NP_050744",
"targetEntityType": "CorporateBody",
"type": "sameAs",
"altType": "simple",
"cpfRelationType": null,
"content": "Notice Test Collectivit\u00e9",
"dates": null,
"note": null
"dataType": "ConstellationRelation",
"id": null,
"version": null,
"sourceConstellation": null,
"targetConstellation": null,
"sourceArkID": null,
"targetArkID": "http:\/\/\/isni\/Unseulidentifiant",
"targetEntityType": "CorporateBody",
"type": "sameAs",
"altType": "simple",
"cpfRelationType": null,
"content": "Notice Test Collectivit\u00e9",
"dates": null,
"note": null
"resourceRelations": [
"dataType": "ResourceRelation",
"id": null,
"version": null,
"documentType": "ArchivalResource",
"linkType": "simple",
"entryType": "archival",
"link": "https:\/\/\/siv\/rechercheconsultation\/consultation\/ir\/consultationIR.action?irId=FRAN_IR_027886#d_1",
"role": "creatorOf",
"content": "Minist\u00e8re de l'Int\u00e9rieur. Administration d\u00e9partementale. Logement des pr\u00e9fets, sous-pr\u00e9fets, Costumes des fonctionnaires, Compatibilit\u00e9 des fonctions# Logement des pr\u00e9fets et des sous-pr\u00e9fets. #F\/2(I)\/106\/13",
"source": null,
"note": "<descriptiveNote>\n <p>cr\u00e9ateur<\/p>\n <\/descriptiveNote>"
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"id": null,
"version": null,
"documentType": "ArchivalResource",
"linkType": "simple",
"entryType": "archival",
"link": "https:\/\/\/siv\/rechercheconsultation\/consultation\/ir\/consultationIR.action?irId=FRAN_IR_043100",
"role": "referencedIn",
"content": "Minutes et r\u00e9pertoires du notaire Albert Louis MOREL d'ARLEUX, 12 ao\u00fbt 1891 - d\u00e9cembre 1903 (\u00e9tude CI)",
"source": null,
"note": null
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"id": null,
"version": null,
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"linkType": "simple",
"entryType": "archival",
"link": "https:\/\/\/siv\/rechercheconsultation\/consultation\/ir\/consultationIR.action?irId=FRAN_IR_041062",
"role": "referencedIn",
"content": "Gr\u00e2ces accord\u00e9es",
"source": null,
"note": null
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"id": null,
"version": null,
"term": "culture",
"type": null,
"dates": null,
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"note": null
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"id": null,
"version": null,
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"id": null,
"version": null,
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"fromDateOriginal": "2012",
"fromType": null,
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"fromRange": {
"notBefore": null,
"notAfter": null
"toDate": null,
"toDateOriginal": null,
"toType": null,
"toBC": null,
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"notAfter": null
"isRange": true,
"note": null
"type": null,
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"version": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"administrationCode": null,
"countryCode": null,
"vocabularySource": null,
"certaintyScore": null,
"original": "Pierrefitte-sur-Seine",
"bestMatch": null,
"maybeSame": [],
"type": "nomLieu"
"dataType": "PlaceEntry",
"id": null,
"version": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"administrationCode": null,
"countryCode": null,
"vocabularySource": "d3ntxf5186--sga9u2l9iboc",
"certaintyScore": null,
"original": "Pierrefitte-sur-Seine (Seine-Saint-Denis)",
"bestMatch": null,
"maybeSame": [],
"type": "lieu"
"note": "\n \n "
"dataType": "Place",
"id": null,
"version": null,
"dates": {
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"id": null,
"version": null,
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"fromDateOriginal": "2003",
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"isRange": true,
"note": null
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"entries": [
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"id": null,
"version": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"administrationCode": null,
"countryCode": null,
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"certaintyScore": null,
"original": "Paris, Archives nationales",
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"id": null,
"version": null,
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"longitude": null,
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"countryCode": null,
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"maybeSame": [],
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"dataType": "PlaceEntry",
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"administrationCode": null,
"countryCode": null,
"vocabularySource": "d3nzaj2p6v--hrd7lqok52tn",
"certaintyScore": null,
"original": "Francs-Bourgeois (rue des)",
"bestMatch": null,
"maybeSame": [],
"type": "voie"
"note": "\n \n "
"subjects": [],
"nationality": null,
"gender": null,
"generalContext": "<generalContext>\n <p>idem<\/p>\n <\/generalContext>",
"structureOrGenealogy": "<structureOrGenealogy>\n <p>idem<\/p>\n <\/structureOrGenealogy>",
"mandate": "<mandate>\n <descriptiveNote>\n <p>M\u00eames possibilit\u00e9s que pour champ pr\u00e9c\u00e9dent<\/p>\n <\/descriptiveNote>\n <\/mandate>"
"constellation" : {
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"id": null,
"version": null,
"ark": null,
"entityType": null,
"otherRecordIDs": [],
"maintenanceStatus": null,
"maintenanceAgency": null,
"maintenanceEvents": [],
"sources": [],
"legalStatuses": [],
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"constellationLanguageCode": null,
"constellationScript": null,
"constellationScriptCode": null,
"language": null,
"languageCode": null,
"script": null,
"scriptCode": null,
"nameEntries": [
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"id": null,
"version": null,
"original": "Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826.",
"preferenceScore": "99",
"contributors": [
"type": "authorizedForm",
"contributor": "VIAF"
"language": null,
"scriptCode": null,
"useDates": null
"occupations": [],
"biogHists": [],
"existDates": [],
"existDatesNote": null,
"relations": [],
"resourceRelations": [],
"functions": [],
"places": [],
"subjects": [],
"nationality": null,
"gender": null,
"generalContext": null,
"structureOrGenealogy": null,
"mandate": null
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