Commit 2e51e24c by Tom Laudeman

move sections, minor format changes

parent 6fca1af6
......@@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ Robbie Hott
[Requirements]( (Tech requirements from Rachael's spreadsheets)
#### co-op background
#### Introduction to SNAC
Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC) is a Mellon-funded project
......@@ -419,6 +417,7 @@ CPF records will be linked to relevant recources. Brian suggest actively harvest
to the sitemap protocol along the lines of ResourceSync. Brian notes that the updates are based on linked
data, not submission of XML files.
#### Current State Conclusion
......@@ -427,24 +426,5 @@ processed. These systems will benefit from additional work to make them more mat
software develops: robustness, testing and QA, documentation, examples, consistent API. Most of the current
software will be used in the production product.
#### Required and Planned Functionality (All authors)
(We need to break out each item into UI functionality, and API
#### Documentation
System documentation is in in markdown files.
Every aspect of the system requires documentation. Most visible to the public is the user interface for
discovery. Maintenance will be complicated, and our processes are somewhat novel, so this will need to be
extensive, well illustrated with screenshots, and carefully tested.
Documentation intended for developers might be somewhat sparse by comparison, but will be critical to the
on-going software development process. All the databases, operating system, httpd and other servers need
complete documentation of installation, configuration, deployment, starting, stopping, and emergency
......@@ -10,7 +10,177 @@ Before reading this you should have read:
[Requirements]( (Tech requirements from Rachael's spreadsheets)
#### Need a section for each proposed API
#### Introduction to Planned Functionality
The functional requirements below specify in detail all of the
capabilities of the new [production?] system. A separate section about
user interface (UI) specifies the visual/functional aspects of the UI
and includes discussion of the user experience (UX). Some of the
functional requirements exist only to support actions of the UI, and
UI-related functions should exist in their own independent API.
#### Software development, processes, and project management
Choices for programming languages, operating system, databases, version
control, and various related tools and practices are based on extensive
experience of the developer community, and a complex set of requirements
for the coding process. Current best practices are agile development
using practices that allow programmers wide leeway for implementation
while still keeping the processes manageable.
Test-driven development ideally means automated testing, with careful
attention to regression testing. It takes some extra time up front to
write the tests. Each test is small, and corresponds to small sections
of code where both code and text can be quickly created. In this way,
the software is kept in a working state with only brief downtimes during
feature creation or bug fixes. Large programs are made up of
intentionally small functions each of which is tested by a small
automated test.
Regression testing refers to verifying that old bugs do not reappear.
Every bug fix has a corresponding test, even if the function in question
did not originally have a test for the bug. Each new bug needs a new
test. Bugs frequently reappear, especially in complex sections of code.
Source code version control is vital to both development process, and to
the release process. During development, frequent small changes are
checked-in to the version control, along with a meaningful comment. The
history of the code can be tracked. This occasionally helps to
understand how bugs come into existence. In the Git system, the history
command is “blame”, a bit of programmer dark humor where the history is
used to know who to blame for a bug (or any undesirable feature).
Moving code into Quality Assurance (QA) and then into the production
environment are both integral with source code management. Many version
control systems allow tagging a release with a name. The collected
source code files are marked as a named (virtual) collection, and can be
used to update a QA area. Human testing and review happens in QA. After
QA we have release. Depending on the nature of the system release can be
quite complex with many parties needing to be notified, and coordination
across groups of developers, sysadmin, managers, support staff, and
customers. Agile development tends towards small, seamless releases on a
frequent (weekly or monthly) basis where communication is primarily via
update of electronic documentation. The process needs to assure that
fixes and new features are documented. The system must have tools to see
the current version of the system with its change log, as well as
comparing that to previous releases. All of these are integrated with
change management.
Bug reporting and feature requests fall (broadly speaking) into the
category of change management. Typically a small group of senior
developers and stakeholders review the bug/feature tracking system to
assign priorities, clarify, and investigate. There are good
off-the-shelf systems for tracking bugs and feature requests, so we have
several choices. This process happens almost as frequently as the
features/bug fix coding work of the developers. That means on-going,
more or less continuous review of fix/features requests every few days,
depending on how independent the developers are. Agile applies to
everyone on the project. Ideal change management is not onerous. As
tasks are completed, someone (developers) update feature status with "in
progress", "completed” and so on. There might be additional status
updates from QA and release, but SNAC probably isn't large enough to
justify anything too complex.
#### QA and Related Tests for Test-driven Development
The data extraction pipelines manage massive amounts of data, and
visually checking descriptions for bugs would be inefficient if not
infeasible. The MARC extraction process is verified by just over 100
quality assurance descriptions. The output produced from each
description is checked for some specific value that confirms that the
code is working correctly and historical bugs have not reappeared. The
EAD extraction has a set of QA files, but the output verification is not
yet automated. A variety of file counts and measures of various sorts
are performed to verify that descriptions have all been processed. All
CPF output is validated against the Relax NG schema. Processing log
files are checked for a variety of error messages. Settings used for
each run are recorded in documentation maintained with the output files.
The source code is stored in a Subversion repository.
Our disaster recovery processes must be carefully documented.
The match/merge process is validated by …
#### Documentation
System documentation is in in markdown files.
Every aspect of the system requires documentation. Most visible to the public is the user interface for
discovery. Maintenance will be complicated, and our processes are somewhat novel, so this will need to be
extensive, well illustrated with screenshots, and carefully tested.
Documentation intended for developers might be somewhat sparse by comparison, but will be critical to the
on-going software development process. All the databases, operating system, httpd and other servers need
complete documentation of installation, configuration, deployment, starting, stopping, and emergency
#### Required new features
The majority of new features will be in two areas: the maintenance
system, and the administration system. None of this code exists. The
maintenance system has a web UI and a server-based back end that
interacts with the same database used by the match-merge. The
maintenance system also requires an authentication system (login) that
allows us to manage the extensive collaborative efforts. The current
processing of data is accomplished only on servers at the command line,
and is handled directly by project programmers. In the new maintenance
system, that will be driven by content experts via a web site, and
therefore must expect the issues of authentication and authorization
inherent in collaborative data manipulation web applications.
The system will require reports. These will cover broad classes of
issues related to managing resources, usage statistics, administration,
maintenance, and some reports for end user researchers.
- Data validation API
Data from the web browser needs sanity checking and untainting before being handed to the rest of the
application. Initially the data validation API can consist of nothing more than untaining input from the
browser. We can add various checks and tests. We need to decide if the validation API can reject data, and if
it can, then it needs to interact with the work flow engine, the actual work flow, and whatever messaging
system we use to display messages to end users.
- Identitiy Reconciliation (aka IR) (architect Robbie)
- workflow manager (architect Tom)
- SQL schema (Robbie, Tom)
- Controlled vocabulary subsystem or API [Tag system](#controlled-vocabularies-and-tag-system)
- CPF to SQL parser (Robbie)
- Name serialization tool, selectable pre-configured formats
- Name string parser
- Date parser
- CPF record edit, edit each field
- CPF record split, split data into separate cpf identities, deprecate old ARK, mint new ARKs
- CPF record merge, combine fields, deprecate old ARKs, mint new ARK
- Object architecture, coding style, class template (architect Robbie)
- UI widgets, mostly off the shelf, some custom written. We need to have UI edit/chooser widget for search and
select of large numbers of options, such as the Joseph Henry cpfRelations that contain some 22K
entries. Also need to list all fields which might have large numbers of values. In fact, part of the meta
data for every field is "number of possible entries/reapeat values" or whatever that's called. From a
software architecture perspective, the answer is 0, 1, infinite.
One important aspect of the project is long-term viability and preservation. We should be able to export all
data and metadata in standard formats. Part of the API should cover export facilities so that over time we can
easily add new export features to support emerging standards.
The ability to export all the data for preservation purposes also gives us the ability to offer bulk data
downloads to researchers and collaborating peer institutions.
#### Data background
......@@ -172,163 +342,6 @@ We could try to report on the amount of training necessary before a new
user was able to work independently in each of various areas (content
input, review, etc.)
#### Introduction to Planned Functionality
The functional requirements below specify in detail all of the
capabilities of the new [production?] system. A separate section about
user interface (UI) specifies the visual/functional aspects of the UI
and includes discussion of the user experience (UX). Some of the
functional requirements exist only to support actions of the UI, and
UI-related functions should exist in their own independent API.
#### Software development, processes, and project management
Choices for programming languages, operating system, databases, version
control, and various related tools and practices are based on extensive
experience of the developer community, and a complex set of requirements
for the coding process. Current best practices are agile development
using practices that allow programmers wide leeway for implementation
while still keeping the processes manageable.
Test-driven development ideally means automated testing, with careful
attention to regression testing. It takes some extra time up front to
write the tests. Each test is small, and corresponds to small sections
of code where both code and text can be quickly created. In this way,
the software is kept in a working state with only brief downtimes during
feature creation or bug fixes. Large programs are made up of
intentionally small functions each of which is tested by a small
automated test.
Regression testing refers to verifying that old bugs do not reappear.
Every bug fix has a corresponding test, even if the function in question
did not originally have a test for the bug. Each new bug needs a new
test. Bugs frequently reappear, especially in complex sections of code.
Source code version control is vital to both development process, and to
the release process. During development, frequent small changes are
checked-in to the version control, along with a meaningful comment. The
history of the code can be tracked. This occasionally helps to
understand how bugs come into existence. In the Git system, the history
command is “blame”, a bit of programmer dark humor where the history is
used to know who to blame for a bug (or any undesirable feature).
Moving code into Quality Assurance (QA) and then into the production
environment are both integral with source code management. Many version
control systems allow tagging a release with a name. The collected
source code files are marked as a named (virtual) collection, and can be
used to update a QA area. Human testing and review happens in QA. After
QA we have release. Depending on the nature of the system release can be
quite complex with many parties needing to be notified, and coordination
across groups of developers, sysadmin, managers, support staff, and
customers. Agile development tends towards small, seamless releases on a
frequent (weekly or monthly) basis where communication is primarily via
update of electronic documentation. The process needs to assure that
fixes and new features are documented. The system must have tools to see
the current version of the system with its change log, as well as
comparing that to previous releases. All of these are integrated with
change management.
Bug reporting and feature requests fall (broadly speaking) into the
category of change management. Typically a small group of senior
developers and stakeholders review the bug/feature tracking system to
assign priorities, clarify, and investigate. There are good
off-the-shelf systems for tracking bugs and feature requests, so we have
several choices. This process happens almost as frequently as the
features/bug fix coding work of the developers. That means on-going,
more or less continuous review of fix/features requests every few days,
depending on how independent the developers are. Agile applies to
everyone on the project. Ideal change management is not onerous. As
tasks are completed, someone (developers) update feature status with "in
progress", "completed” and so on. There might be additional status
updates from QA and release, but SNAC probably isn't large enough to
justify anything too complex.
#### QA and Related Tests for Test-driven Development
The data extraction pipelines manage massive amounts of data, and
visually checking descriptions for bugs would be inefficient if not
infeasible. The MARC extraction process is verified by just over 100
quality assurance descriptions. The output produced from each
description is checked for some specific value that confirms that the
code is working correctly and historical bugs have not reappeared. The
EAD extraction has a set of QA files, but the output verification is not
yet automated. A variety of file counts and measures of various sorts
are performed to verify that descriptions have all been processed. All
CPF output is validated against the Relax NG schema. Processing log
files are checked for a variety of error messages. Settings used for
each run are recorded in documentation maintained with the output files.
The source code is stored in a Subversion repository.
Our disaster recovery processes must be carefully documented.
The match/merge process is validated by …
#### Required new features
The majority of new features will be in two areas: the maintenance
system, and the administration system. None of this code exists. The
maintenance system has a web UI and a server-based back end that
interacts with the same database used by the match-merge. The
maintenance system also requires an authentication system (login) that
allows us to manage the extensive collaborative efforts. The current
processing of data is accomplished only on servers at the command line,
and is handled directly by project programmers. In the new maintenance
system, that will be driven by content experts via a web site, and
therefore must expect the issues of authentication and authorization
inherent in collaborative data manipulation web applications.
The system will require reports. These will cover broad classes of
issues related to managing resources, usage statistics, administration,
maintenance, and some reports for end user researchers.
- Data validation API
- Identitiy Reconciliation (aka IR) (architect Robbie)
- workflow manager (architect Tom)
- SQL schema (Robbie, Tom)
- Controlled vocabulary subsystem or API [Tag system](#controlled-vocabularies-and-tag-system)
- CPF to SQL parser (Robbie)
- Name serialization tool, selectable pre-configured formats
- Name string parser
- Date parser
- CPF record edit, edit each field
- CPF record split, split data into separate cpf identities, deprecate old ARK, mint new ARKs
- CPF record merge, combine fields, deprecate old ARKs, mint new ARK
- Object architecture, coding style, class template (architect Robbie)
- UI widgets, mostly off the shelf, some custom written. We need to have UI edit/chooser widget for search and
select of large numbers of options, such as the Joseph Henry cpfRelations that contain some 22K
entries. Also need to list all fields which might have large numbers of values. In fact, part of the meta
data for every field is "number of possible entries/reapeat values" or whatever that's called. From a
software architecture perspective, the answer is 0, 1, infinite.
One important aspect of the project is long-term viability and
preservation. We should be able to export all data and metadata in
standard formats. Part of the API should cover export facilities so that
over time we can easily add new export features to support emerging
The ability to export all the data for preservation purposes also gives
us the ability to offer bulk data downloads to researchers and
collaborating peer institutions.
#### Merge and watch
Note: Ask Robbie what the database architecture is to support merged records.
-------- #### Big questions Big questions #### Overview and order of work Overview and order of work #### Code we write Code we write #### Controlled vocabularies and tag system Controlled vocabularies and tag system #### Code we use off the shelf Code we use off the shelf
----- #### Authors
Authors #### Organization of documenatation
Organization of documenatation #### Introduction to SNAC
Introduction to SNAC #### Evaluation of Existing Technical Architecture
Evaluation of Existing Technical Architecture #### Overview
Overview #### Current State of the System
Current State of the System #### Processing Pipeline
Processing Pipeline #### Extraction
Extraction #### Match/Merge
Match/Merge #### Discovery/Dissemination
Discovery/Dissemination #### Prototype research tool
Prototype research tool #### Gap analysis
Gap analysis #### Data maintenance
Data maintenance #### Pilot phase architecture
Pilot phase architecture
Current State Conclusion #### Current State Conclusion
-------- #### Software development, processes, and project management
TAT Functional Requirements #### QA and Related Tests for Test-driven Development
Introduction to Planned Functionality #### Documentation
Software development, processes, and project management #### Data background
QA and Related Tests for Test-driven Development #### What is "normal form" and what informs the database schema design?
Documentation #### Edit architecture requirements
Required new features #### Required and Planned Functionality
Data background #### Expanded CPF schema requirements
What is "normal form" and what informs the database schema design? #### Expanded Database Schema
Edit architecture requirements #### Introduction to Planned Functionality
Expanded CPF schema requirements #### Required new features
Expanded Database Schema #### Merge and watch
Merge and watch #### Brian’s API docs need to be merged in or otherwise referred to:
Brian’s API docs need to be merged in or otherwise referred to: #### Not sure where to fit these topics into the requirements. Some of them may not be part of technical requirements:
Not sure where to fit these topics into the requirements. Some of them may not be part of technical requirements:
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