Commit b90c5599 by Tom Laudeman

Adding table of contents

parent 67fb98c3
......@@ -6,6 +6,14 @@ You may be interested in the large schema diagram: [Large schema png file](Speci
There is an interactive schema web site: [Schema web site](
### Table of contents
[How versioning works.](#How-versioning-works.)
[Foreign key related records](#Foreign-key-related-records)
[Vocabulary table history and rationale](#Vocabulary-table-history-and-rationale)
[Vocabulary separate SQL file](#Vocabulary-separate-SQL-file)
[Common fields and their meaning](#Common-fields-and-their-meaning)
[Identical text tables.](#Identical-text-tables.)
### How versioning works.
......@@ -263,13 +271,24 @@ Still, inserting values into fk_table seems like a fine, if redundant idea.
All controlled vocabulary terms are in a single table. A vocabularies share a common set of fields:
value(term), uri, description. Storing all vocabulary in a single tables makes it easy to add a new
vocabulary. At this time, vocabulary is mono-lingual, that is, term and description exist in a single
language, and might be duplicated in another language.
create table if not exists vocabulary (
id int primary key default nextval('vocabulary_id_seq'),
type text, -- Type of the vocab
value text, -- Value of the controlled vocab term
uri text, -- URI for this controlled vocab term, if it exists
description text -- Textual description of this vocab term
A proposed alternative would be storing each vocabulary type in a separate table, but there is a down
side. Adding a new type would require creating a new table with identical field names to existing vocabulary
tables, and this is more work than simply inserting new vocabulary data with a new type. Tables which are
identical except for table name means that table name is data. In this case table name would be exactly
equivalent to vocabulary type.
A proposed alternative was to store each vocabulary type in a separate table, but that has down side. Adding a
new type would require creating a new table (with identical field names to existing vocabulary tables) as well
a new insert and select functions, and this is more work than simply inserting new vocabulary data with a new
type. When tables are identical except for table name, table name is data. In this case table name would be
exactly equivalent to vocabulary type.
SQL databases give us an additional hint that vocabulary should be in a single table. We can prepare SQL
queries, and use placeholders. However, table name is not avaiable as a placeholder. The twenty vocabulary
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