SNAC Cooperative Meeting

ArchivesSpace Integration Discussion Notes


Discussion leaders: Brad Westbrook and Mike Rush

What can it do for you? What functionality would you like to see?

-   “Start reconciliation” button
    -   Compare ASpace w/ SNAC, create linkages
    -   Scope to resource or larger set
    -   Add prompt to create SNAC entry
    -   Making sure matching happens on the right data
    -   Accommodating legacy data
-   Creation of content
    -   Identities not in SNAC
        -   Upload/add to SNAC
    -   Identities in SNAC
        -   Download form SNAC
        -   Local extension/customization
        -   Controls for process of amending SNAC
-   Remember ASpace may be a local source of authority
-   Record refresh function
-   Local version not intended for SNAC inclusion
-   Refresh different sections of EAC record on different schedules or
    w/ different permissions
-   Working off of central source or off of local cache? Fundamental
    issue to resolve
-   Spawn EAC bioghist into exported EAD (as an option)
-   SNAC discovery interface
-   Search additional sources beyond SNAC (part of the SNAC research
-   Feed repository holding info back into SNAC
-   Discovery of unknown identities
    -   Use case: download an entity and all related entities at the start
        of a processing project
-   Notifications of refresh changes
-   Maintain timestamps for record downloads and refreshes


-   Coupling increases sustainability of both ASpace and SNAC
-   Efficiences
    -   Packages workflows
    -   Shares the work
-   Makes relationships easier to manage and share
-   Spark uptake of SNAC
    -   Bigger entity set
    -   Bigger relation set
-   More use of collections
-   One less interface for staff users

Scope of Grant

-   Central vs. Local copy use cases
-   EAD3 export (to include relations)
-   Contribution function
-   EAC-CPF data model compliance