Commit a9b84fe2 by Robbie Hott

Added Java ingest tool code

parent 37b9a04a
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<title>SNAC EAC-CPF Profile Instance Validation</title>
<ns prefix="cpf" uri="urn:isbn:1-931666-33-4"/>
<ns prefix="xlink" uri=""/>
<!-- FILENAME: SNAC_EAC-CPF_ValidationProfile.sch -->
<!-- CREATED: 2016-05-31 -->
<!-- CREATED BY: -->
<!-- NOTES: Does not check for presence of absence of ID attributes.
Does not check for snac namespace attributes. -->
<rule context="*">
<!--<assert test="not(@xml:lang)">The XML:LANG attribute is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<assert test="not(@xml:base)">The XML:BASE attribute is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:objectBinWrap)">The OBJECTBINWRAP element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:alternativeSet)">The ALTERNATIVESET element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:multipleIdentities)">The MUTLIPLEIDNETITIES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<!--<assert test="not(cpf:dateSet)">The DATESET element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<rule context="cpf:control">
<assert test="not(cpf:publicationStatus)">The PUBLICATIONSTATUS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:localTypeDeclaration)">The LOCALTYPEDECLARATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:localControl)">The LOCALCONTROL element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:otherRecordId">
<assert test="@localType">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the OTHERRECORDID element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:maintenanceAgency">
<assert test="not(cpf:agencyCode)">The AGENCYCODE element in the MAINTENANCEAGENCY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:otherAgencyCode)">The OTHERAGENCYCODE element in the MAINTENANCEAGENCY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the MAINTENANCEAGENCY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:languageDeclaration">
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the LANGUAGEDECLARATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:languageDeclaration/cpf:language">
<assert test="text()">A text value inside the LANGUAGEDECLARATION/LANGUAGE element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile. </assert>
<rule context="cpf:languageDeclaration/cpf:script">
<!-- Require script/text() or not. Examples are inconsistent. -->
<!--<assert test="text()">A text value inside the LANGUAGEDECLARATION/SCRIPT element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile. </assert>-->
<rule context="cpf:conventionDeclaration">
<assert test="not(cpf:abbreviation)">The ABBREVIATION element in the CONVENTIONDECLARATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the CONVENTIONDECLARATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:maintenanceEvent">
<!-- Require eventDescription? Inconsistent usage in provided examples. -->
<!--<assert test="cpf:eventDescription">The EVENTDESCRIPTION element in the MAINTENANCEEVENT element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<rule context="cpf:eventDateTime">
<!--<assert test="not(@standardDateTime)">The STANDARDDATETIME attribute on the EVENTDATETIME element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<rule context="cpf:source">
<assert test="not(@xlink:title)">The XLINK:TITLE attribute on the SOURCE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:actuate)">The XLINK:ACTUATE attribute on the SOURCE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:show)">The XLINK:SHOW attribute on the SOURCE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:role)">The XLINK:ROLE attribute on the SOURCE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:arcrole)">The XLINK:ARCROLE attribute on the SOURCE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@lastDateTimeVerified)">The LASTDATETIMEVERIFIED attribute on the SOURCE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:sourceEntry)">The SOURCEENTRY element in the SOURCE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<!--<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the SOURCE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<rule context="cpf:cpfDescription">
<assert test="not(cpf:alternativeSet)">The ALTERNATIVESET element in the CPFDESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:identity">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribue on the IDENTITY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@identityType)">The IDENTITYTYPE attribute on the IDENTITY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile</assert>
<!--<assert test="not(cpf:entityId)">The ENTITYID element in the IDENTITY elemet is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<assert test="not(cpf:nameEntryParallel)">The NAMEENTRYPARALLEL element in the IDENTITY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the IDENTITY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:nameEntry">
<!--<assert test="not(@scriptCode)">The SCRIPTCODE attribute on the NAMEENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<assert test="not(@transliteration)">The TRANSLITERATION attribute on the NAMEENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the NAMEENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<!--<assert test="not(cpf:useDates)">The USEDATES element in the NAMEENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<assert test="not(cpf:preferredForm)">The PREFERREDFORM attribute in the NAMEENTRY lement is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:part">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the PART element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:description">
<assert test="not(cpf:places)">The PLACES element in the DESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:localDescriptions)">The LOCALDESCRIPTIONS element in the DESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<!--<assert test="not(cpf:legalStatus)">The LEGALSTATUS element in the DESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<assert test="not(cpf:legalStatuses)">The LEGALSTATUSES element in the DESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<!--<assert test="not(cpf:function)">The FUNCTION element in the DESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<assert test="not(cpf:functions)">The FUNCTIONS element in the DESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:languagesUsed)">The LANGUAGESUSED element in the DESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:occupations)">The OCCUPATIONS element in the DESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<!--<assert test="not(cpf:mandate)">The MANDATE element in the DESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<assert test="not(cpf:mandates)">The MANDATES element in the DESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<!--<assert test="not(cpf:structureOrGenealogy)">The STRUCTUREORGENEALOGY element in the DESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<!--<assert test="not(cpf:generalContext)">The GENERALCONTEXT element in the DESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<rule context="cpf:existDates">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute in the EXISTDATES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<!--<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the EXISTDATES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<rule context="cpf:places">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the PLACES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the PLACES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:p)">The P element in the PLACES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:outline)">The OUTLINE element in the PLACES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:list)">The LIST element in the PLACES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the PLACES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:place">
<!--<assert test="not(cpf:placeRole)">The PLACEROLE element in the PLACE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<assert test="not(cpf:address)">The ADDRESS element in the PLACE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSingle)">The DATESINGLE element in the PLACE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<!--<assert test="not(cpf:dateRange)">The DATERANGE element in the PLACE element is not xxx</assert>-->
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSet)">The DATESET element in the PLACE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the PLACE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<!--<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the PLACE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<rule context="cpf:localDescriptions">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the LOCALDESCRIPTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the LOCALDESCRIPTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:p)">The P element in the LOCALDESCRIPTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:outline)">The OUTLINE element in the LOCALDESCRIPTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:list)">The LIST element in the LOCALDESCRIPTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the LOCALDESCRIPTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:localDescription">
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSingle)">The DATESINGLE element in the LOCALDESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateRange)">The DATERANGE element in the LOCALDESCRIPTION element is not xxx</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSet)">The DATESET element in the LOCALDESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the LOCALDESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the LOCALDESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:languagesUsed">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the LANGUAGESUSED element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the LANGUAGESUSED element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:languageUsed">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the LANGUAGEUSED element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the LANGUAGEUSED element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:occupations">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the OCCUPATIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the OCCUPATIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:p)">The P element in the OCCUPATIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:outline)">The OUTLINE element in the OCCUPATIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:list)">The list element in the OCCUPATIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the OCCUPATIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:occupation">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the OCCUPATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:placeEntry)">The PLACEENTRY element in the OCCUPATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSingle)">The DATESINGLE element in the OCCUPATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateRange)">The DATERANGE element in the OCCUPATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSet)">The DATESET element in the OCCUPATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the OCCUPATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the OCCUPATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:legalstatuses">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the LEGALSTATUSES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the LEGALSTATUSES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:p)">The P element in the LEGALSTATUSES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:outline)">The OUTLINE element in the LEGALSTATUSES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:list)">The list element in the LEGALSTATUSES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the LEGALSTATUSES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:legalstatus">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the LEGALSTATUS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:placeEntry)">The PLACEENTRY element in the LEGALSTATUS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSingle)">The DATESINGLE element in the LEGALSTATUS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateRange)">The DATERANGE element in the LEGALSTATUS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSet)">The DATESET element in the LEGALSTATUS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the LEGALSTATUS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the LEGALSTATUS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:functions">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the FUNCTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the FUNCTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:p)">The P element in the FUNCTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:outline)">The OUTLINE element in the FUNCTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:list)">The list element in the FUNCTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the FUNCTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:function">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the FUNCTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:placeEntry)">The PLACEENTRY element in the FUNCTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSingle)">The DATESINGLE element in the FUNCTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateRange)">The DATERANGE element in the FUNCTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSet)">The DATESET element in the FUNCTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the FUNCTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the FUNCTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:mandates">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the MANDATES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the MANDATES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:p)">The P element in the MANDATES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:outline)">The OUTLINE element in the MANDATES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:list)">The list element in the MANDATES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the MANDATES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:mandate">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the MANDATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:placeEntry)">The PLACEENTRY element in the MANDATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSingle)">The DATESINGLE element in the MANDATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateRange)">The DATERANGE element in the MANDATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSet)">The DATESET element in the MANDATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the MANDATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<!--<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the MANDATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<rule context="cpf:structureOrGenealogy">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the STRUCTUREORGENEALOGY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:outline)">The OUTLINE element in the STRUCTUREORGENEALOGY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:generalContext">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the GENERALCONTEXT element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:outline)">The OUTLINE element in the GENERALCONTEXT element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:biogHist">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the BIOGHIST element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:abstract)">The ABSTRACT element in the BIOGHIST element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:chronList)">The CHRONLIST element in the BIOGHIST element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:outline)">The OUTLINE element in the BIOGHIST element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:relations">
<assert test="not(cpf:functionRelation)">The FUNCTIONRELATION element in the RELATIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:cpfRelation">
<!--<assert test="not(@cpfRelationType)">The CPFRELATIONTYPE attribute on the CPFRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<assert test="not(@lastDateTimeVerified)">The LASTDATETIMEVERIFIED attribute on the CPFRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="@xlink:arcrole">The XLINK:ARCROLE attribute on the CPFRELATION element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="@xlink:role">The XLINK:ROLE attribute on the CPFRELATION element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:title)">The XLINK:TITLE attribute on the CPFRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:actuate)">The XLINK:ACTUATE attribute on the CPFRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:show)">The XLINK:SHOW attribute on the CPFRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSingle)">The DATESINGLE element on the CPFRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<!--<assert test="not(cpf:dateRange)">The DATERANGE element on the CPFRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSet)">The DATESET element on the CPFRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:placeEntry)">The PLACEENTRY element on the CPFRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:resourceRelation">
<!--<assert test="not(@resourceRelationType)">The RESOURCERELATIONTYPE attribute on the RESOURCERELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<assert test="not(@lastDateTimeVerified)">The LASTDATETIMEVERIFIED attribute on the RESOURCERELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="@xlink:arcrole">The XLINK:ARCROLE attribute on the RESOURCERELATION element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="@xlink:role">The XLINK:ROLE attribute on the RESOURCERELATION element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:title)">The XLINK:TITLE attribute on the RESOURCERELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:actuate)">The XLINK:ACTUATE attribute on the RESOURCERELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:show)">The XLINK:SHOW attribute on the RESOURCERELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSingle)">The DATESINGLE element on the RESOURCERELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateRange)">The DATERANGE element on the RESOURCERELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSet)">The DATESET element on the RESOURCERELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:placeEntry)">The PLACEENTRY element on the RESOURCERELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:functionRelation">
<assert test="not(@functionRelationType)">The FUNCTIONRELATIONTYPE attribute on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@lastDateTimeVerified)">The LASTDATETIMEVERIFIED attribute on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="@xlink:arcrole">The XLINK:ARCROLE attribute on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="@xlink:role">The XLINK:ROLE attribute on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:title)">The XLINK:TITLE attribute on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:actuate)">The XLINK:ACTUATE attribute on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:show)">The XLINK:SHOW attribute on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSingle)">The DATESINGLE element on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateRange)">The DATERANGE element on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSet)">The DATESET element on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:placeEntry)">The PLACEENTRY element on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:relationEntry">
<!--<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the RELATIONENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<assert test="not(@scriptCode)">The SCRIPTCODE attribute on the RELATIONENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@transliteration)">The TRANSLITERATION attribute on the RELATIONENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:objectXMLWrap">
<!-- m.dates -->
<rule context="cpf:dateSingle">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the DATESINGLE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@notBefore)">The NOTBEFORE attribute on the DATESINGLE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@notAfter)">The NOTAFTER attribute on the DATESINGLE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="@standardDate">The STANDARDDATE attribute on the DATESINGLE element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:dateRange">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the DATERANGE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:fromDate">
<assert test="not(@notBefore)">The NOTBEFORE attribute on the FROMDATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@notAfter)">The NOTAFTER attribute on the FROMDATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="@standardDate">The STANDARDDATE attribute on the FROMDATE element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:toDate">
<assert test="not(@notBefore)">The NOTBEFORE attribute on the TODATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@notAfter)">The NOTAFTER attribute on the TODATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="@standardDate">The STANDARDDATE attribute on the TODATE element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:dateSet">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the DATESET element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<!-- m.simpleDescription -->
<rule context="cpf:term">
<assert test="not(@scriptCode)">The SCRIPTCODE attribute on the TERM element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@transliteration)">The TRANSLITERATION attribute on the TERM element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@lastDateTimeVerified)">The LASTDATETIMEVERIFIED attribute on the TERM element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<!--<assert test="not(@vocabularySource)">The VOCABULARYSOURCE attribute on the TERM element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<rule context="cpf:citation">
<assert test="not(@xlink:type)">The XLINK:TYPE attribute on the CITATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:href)">The XLINK:HREF attribute on the CITATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:title)">The XLINK:TITLE attribute on the CITATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:actuate)">The XLINK:ACTUATE attribute on the CITATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:show)">The XLINK:SHOW attribute on the CITATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:role)">The XLINK:ROLE attribute on the CITATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:arcrole)">The XLINK:ARCROLE attribute on the CITATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@lastDateTimeVerified)">The LASTDATETIMEVERIFIED attribute on the CITATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:descriptiveNote">
<!-- m.discursiveSet -->
<rule context="cpf:p">
<rule context="cpf:outline">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the OUTLINE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:level">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the LEVEL element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:item">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the ITEM element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:list">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the LIST element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<!-- m.mixedContent -->
<rule context="cpf:span">
<assert test="@localType or @style">Either the LOCALTYPE attribute or the STYLE attribute is required on the SPAN element by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:chronList">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the CHRONLIST element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:event">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the EVENT element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:placeEntry">
<assert test="not(@scriptCode)">The SCRIPTCODE attribute on the PLACEENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@transliteration)">The TRANSLITERATION attribute on the PLACEENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<!--<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the PLACEENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<!--<assert test="not(@vocabularySource)">The VOCABULARYSOURCE attribute on the PLACEENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>-->
<assert test="not(@accuracy)">The ACCURACY attribute on the PLACEENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@latitude)">The LATTITUDE attribute on the PLACEENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@longitude)">The LONGITUDE attribute on the PLACEENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@altitude)">The ALTITUDE attribute on the PLACEENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
\ No newline at end of file
<schema xmlns="" queryBinding="xslt2" schemaVersion="ISO19757-3">
<title>SNAC EAC-CPF Profile Instance Validation</title>
<ns prefix="cpf" uri="urn:isbn:1-931666-33-4"></ns>
<ns prefix="xlink" uri=""></ns>
<rule context="*">
<assert test="not(@xml:base)">The XML:BASE attribute is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:objectBinWrap)">The OBJECTBINWRAP element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:alternativeSet)">The ALTERNATIVESET element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:multipleIdentities)">The MUTLIPLEIDNETITIES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSet)">The DATESET element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:control">
<assert test="not(cpf:publicationStatus)">The PUBLICATIONSTATUS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:localTypeDeclaration)">The LOCALTYPEDECLARATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:localControl)">The LOCALCONTROL element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:otherRecordId">
<assert test="@localType">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the OTHERRECORDID element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:maintenanceAgency">
<assert test="not(cpf:agencyCode)">The AGENCYCODE element in the MAINTENANCEAGENCY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:otherAgencyCode)">The OTHERAGENCYCODE element in the MAINTENANCEAGENCY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the MAINTENANCEAGENCY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:languageDeclaration">
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the LANGUAGEDECLARATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:languageDeclaration/cpf:language">
<assert test="text()">A text value inside the LANGUAGEDECLARATION/LANGUAGE element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile. </assert>
<rule context="cpf:languageDeclaration/cpf:script">
<rule context="cpf:conventionDeclaration">
<assert test="not(cpf:abbreviation)">The ABBREVIATION element in the CONVENTIONDECLARATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the CONVENTIONDECLARATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:maintenanceEvent">
<rule context="cpf:eventDateTime">
<rule context="cpf:source">
<assert test="not(@xlink:title)">The XLINK:TITLE attribute on the SOURCE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:actuate)">The XLINK:ACTUATE attribute on the SOURCE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:show)">The XLINK:SHOW attribute on the SOURCE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:role)">The XLINK:ROLE attribute on the SOURCE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:arcrole)">The XLINK:ARCROLE attribute on the SOURCE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@lastDateTimeVerified)">The LASTDATETIMEVERIFIED attribute on the SOURCE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:sourceEntry)">The SOURCEENTRY element in the SOURCE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:cpfDescription">
<assert test="not(cpf:alternativeSet)">The ALTERNATIVESET element in the CPFDESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:identity">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribue on the IDENTITY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@identityType)">The IDENTITYTYPE attribute on the IDENTITY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:nameEntryParallel)">The NAMEENTRYPARALLEL element in the IDENTITY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the IDENTITY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:nameEntry">
<assert test="not(@transliteration)">The TRANSLITERATION attribute on the NAMEENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the NAMEENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:preferredForm)">The PREFERREDFORM attribute in the NAMEENTRY lement is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:part">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the PART element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:description">
<assert test="not(cpf:places)">The PLACES element in the DESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:localDescriptions)">The LOCALDESCRIPTIONS element in the DESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:legalStatuses)">The LEGALSTATUSES element in the DESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:functions)">The FUNCTIONS element in the DESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:languagesUsed)">The LANGUAGESUSED element in the DESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:occupations)">The OCCUPATIONS element in the DESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:mandates)">The MANDATES element in the DESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:existDates">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute in the EXISTDATES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:places">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the PLACES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the PLACES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:p)">The P element in the PLACES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:outline)">The OUTLINE element in the PLACES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:list)">The LIST element in the PLACES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the PLACES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:place">
<assert test="not(cpf:address)">The ADDRESS element in the PLACE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSingle)">The DATESINGLE element in the PLACE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSet)">The DATESET element in the PLACE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the PLACE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:localDescriptions">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the LOCALDESCRIPTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the LOCALDESCRIPTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:p)">The P element in the LOCALDESCRIPTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:outline)">The OUTLINE element in the LOCALDESCRIPTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:list)">The LIST element in the LOCALDESCRIPTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the LOCALDESCRIPTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:localDescription">
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSingle)">The DATESINGLE element in the LOCALDESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateRange)">The DATERANGE element in the LOCALDESCRIPTION element is not xxx</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSet)">The DATESET element in the LOCALDESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the LOCALDESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the LOCALDESCRIPTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:languagesUsed">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the LANGUAGESUSED element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the LANGUAGESUSED element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:languageUsed">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the LANGUAGEUSED element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the LANGUAGEUSED element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:occupations">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the OCCUPATIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the OCCUPATIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:p)">The P element in the OCCUPATIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:outline)">The OUTLINE element in the OCCUPATIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:list)">The list element in the OCCUPATIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the OCCUPATIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:occupation">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the OCCUPATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:placeEntry)">The PLACEENTRY element in the OCCUPATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSingle)">The DATESINGLE element in the OCCUPATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateRange)">The DATERANGE element in the OCCUPATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSet)">The DATESET element in the OCCUPATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the OCCUPATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the OCCUPATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:legalstatuses">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the LEGALSTATUSES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the LEGALSTATUSES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:p)">The P element in the LEGALSTATUSES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:outline)">The OUTLINE element in the LEGALSTATUSES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:list)">The list element in the LEGALSTATUSES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the LEGALSTATUSES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:legalstatus">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the LEGALSTATUS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:placeEntry)">The PLACEENTRY element in the LEGALSTATUS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSingle)">The DATESINGLE element in the LEGALSTATUS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateRange)">The DATERANGE element in the LEGALSTATUS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSet)">The DATESET element in the LEGALSTATUS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the LEGALSTATUS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the LEGALSTATUS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:functions">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the FUNCTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the FUNCTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:p)">The P element in the FUNCTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:outline)">The OUTLINE element in the FUNCTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:list)">The list element in the FUNCTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the FUNCTIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:function">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the FUNCTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:placeEntry)">The PLACEENTRY element in the FUNCTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSingle)">The DATESINGLE element in the FUNCTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateRange)">The DATERANGE element in the FUNCTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSet)">The DATESET element in the FUNCTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the FUNCTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the FUNCTION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:mandates">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the MANDATES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:descriptiveNote)">The DESCRIPTIVENOTE element in the MANDATES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:p)">The P element in the MANDATES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:outline)">The OUTLINE element in the MANDATES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:list)">The list element in the MANDATES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the MANDATES element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:mandate">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the MANDATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:placeEntry)">The PLACEENTRY element in the MANDATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSingle)">The DATESINGLE element in the MANDATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateRange)">The DATERANGE element in the MANDATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSet)">The DATESET element in the MANDATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:citation)">The CITATION element in the MANDATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:structureOrGenealogy">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the STRUCTUREORGENEALOGY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:outline)">The OUTLINE element in the STRUCTUREORGENEALOGY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:generalContext">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the GENERALCONTEXT element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:outline)">The OUTLINE element in the GENERALCONTEXT element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:biogHist">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the BIOGHIST element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:abstract)">The ABSTRACT element in the BIOGHIST element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:chronList)">The CHRONLIST element in the BIOGHIST element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:outline)">The OUTLINE element in the BIOGHIST element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:relations">
<assert test="not(cpf:functionRelation)">The FUNCTIONRELATION element in the RELATIONS element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:cpfRelation">
<assert test="not(@lastDateTimeVerified)">The LASTDATETIMEVERIFIED attribute on the CPFRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="@xlink:arcrole">The XLINK:ARCROLE attribute on the CPFRELATION element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="@xlink:role">The XLINK:ROLE attribute on the CPFRELATION element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:title)">The XLINK:TITLE attribute on the CPFRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:actuate)">The XLINK:ACTUATE attribute on the CPFRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:show)">The XLINK:SHOW attribute on the CPFRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSingle)">The DATESINGLE element on the CPFRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSet)">The DATESET element on the CPFRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:placeEntry)">The PLACEENTRY element on the CPFRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:resourceRelation">
<assert test="not(@lastDateTimeVerified)">The LASTDATETIMEVERIFIED attribute on the RESOURCERELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="@xlink:arcrole">The XLINK:ARCROLE attribute on the RESOURCERELATION element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="@xlink:role">The XLINK:ROLE attribute on the RESOURCERELATION element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:title)">The XLINK:TITLE attribute on the RESOURCERELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:actuate)">The XLINK:ACTUATE attribute on the RESOURCERELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:show)">The XLINK:SHOW attribute on the RESOURCERELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSingle)">The DATESINGLE element on the RESOURCERELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateRange)">The DATERANGE element on the RESOURCERELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSet)">The DATESET element on the RESOURCERELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:placeEntry)">The PLACEENTRY element on the RESOURCERELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:functionRelation">
<assert test="not(@functionRelationType)">The FUNCTIONRELATIONTYPE attribute on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@lastDateTimeVerified)">The LASTDATETIMEVERIFIED attribute on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="@xlink:arcrole">The XLINK:ARCROLE attribute on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="@xlink:role">The XLINK:ROLE attribute on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:title)">The XLINK:TITLE attribute on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:actuate)">The XLINK:ACTUATE attribute on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:show)">The XLINK:SHOW attribute on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSingle)">The DATESINGLE element on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateRange)">The DATERANGE element on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:dateSet)">The DATESET element on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(cpf:placeEntry)">The PLACEENTRY element on the FUNCTIONRELATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:relationEntry">
<assert test="not(@scriptCode)">The SCRIPTCODE attribute on the RELATIONENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@transliteration)">The TRANSLITERATION attribute on the RELATIONENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:objectXMLWrap">
<rule context="cpf:dateSingle">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the DATESINGLE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@notBefore)">The NOTBEFORE attribute on the DATESINGLE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@notAfter)">The NOTAFTER attribute on the DATESINGLE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="@standardDate">The STANDARDDATE attribute on the DATESINGLE element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:dateRange">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the DATERANGE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:fromDate">
<assert test="not(@notBefore)">The NOTBEFORE attribute on the FROMDATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@notAfter)">The NOTAFTER attribute on the FROMDATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="@standardDate">The STANDARDDATE attribute on the FROMDATE element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:toDate">
<assert test="not(@notBefore)">The NOTBEFORE attribute on the TODATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@notAfter)">The NOTAFTER attribute on the TODATE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="@standardDate">The STANDARDDATE attribute on the TODATE element is required by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:dateSet">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the DATESET element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:term">
<assert test="not(@scriptCode)">The SCRIPTCODE attribute on the TERM element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@transliteration)">The TRANSLITERATION attribute on the TERM element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@lastDateTimeVerified)">The LASTDATETIMEVERIFIED attribute on the TERM element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:citation">
<assert test="not(@xlink:type)">The XLINK:TYPE attribute on the CITATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:href)">The XLINK:HREF attribute on the CITATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:title)">The XLINK:TITLE attribute on the CITATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:actuate)">The XLINK:ACTUATE attribute on the CITATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:show)">The XLINK:SHOW attribute on the CITATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:role)">The XLINK:ROLE attribute on the CITATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@xlink:arcrole)">The XLINK:ARCROLE attribute on the CITATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@lastDateTimeVerified)">The LASTDATETIMEVERIFIED attribute on the CITATION element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:descriptiveNote">
<rule context="cpf:p">
<rule context="cpf:outline">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the OUTLINE element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:level">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the LEVEL element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:item">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the ITEM element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:list">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the LIST element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:span">
<assert test="@localType or @style">Either the LOCALTYPE attribute or the STYLE attribute is required on the SPAN element by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:chronList">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the CHRONLIST element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:event">
<assert test="not(@localType)">The LOCALTYPE attribute on the EVENT element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<rule context="cpf:placeEntry">
<assert test="not(@scriptCode)">The SCRIPTCODE attribute on the PLACEENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@transliteration)">The TRANSLITERATION attribute on the PLACEENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@accuracy)">The ACCURACY attribute on the PLACEENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@latitude)">The LATTITUDE attribute on the PLACEENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@longitude)">The LONGITUDE attribute on the PLACEENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
<assert test="not(@altitude)">The ALTITUDE attribute on the PLACEENTRY element is not supported by the SNAC EAC-CPF profile.</assert>
\ No newline at end of file
* SNAC Reconciliation Example (CBW Java Example)
* For the full license, see the LICENSE file in the repository root
* @author Robbie Hott
* @license BSD 3-Clause
* @copyright 2017 the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and
* the Regents of the University of California
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JProgressBar;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JSeparator;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter;
* CBW Reconciler UI
* This is the GUI interface class that prompts the user to choose CSV files to reconcile against SNAC.
* @author Robbie Hott
public class SNACInfoWindow extends javax.swing.JFrame {
* Serial ID
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8115653654144568030L;
* GUI Variables
private JPanel titlePanel;
private JLabel titleLabel;
private JPanel bodyPanel;
private JPanel parserPanel;
private JTextArea parsedDisplay;
private String title;
private String text;
//Set Look & Feel
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
// Silently ignoring errors
* Constructor
* Calls JFrame's constructor and then initializes and displays the GUI
public SNACInfoWindow(String title, String text) {
this.title = title;
this.text = text;
public static void showWindow(String title, String text) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
SNACInfoWindow inst = new SNACInfoWindow(title, text);
* Initialize GUI
* Builds the JFrame to display to the user.
public void initGUI() {
try {
BorderLayout thisLayout = new BorderLayout();
titlePanel = new JPanel();
getContentPane().add(titlePanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
titlePanel.setSize(900, 40);
titleLabel = new JLabel("<html><body style='text-align: center; font-size: 20px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;'>" + title + "</body></html>", SwingConstants.CENTER);
titleLabel.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(900, 40));
//continue building GUI
bodyPanel = new JPanel();
FlowLayout bodyPanelLayout = new FlowLayout();
getContentPane().add(bodyPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
parserPanel = new JPanel();
parserPanel.setSize(900, 700);
parserPanel.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(900, 700));
parsedDisplay = new JTextArea();
JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(parsedDisplay);
sp.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(900, 700));
this.setSize(900, 800);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Silently ignoring errors
* SNAC Reconciliation Example (CBW Java Example)
* For the full license, see the LICENSE file in the repository root
* @author Robbie Hott
* @license BSD 3-Clause
* @copyright 2017 the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and
* the Regents of the University of California
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.logging.FileHandler;
import java.util.logging.Handler;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JProgressBar;
import javax.swing.JSeparator;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter;
* CBW Reconciler UI
* This is the GUI interface class that prompts the user to choose CSV files to reconcile against SNAC.
* @author Robbie Hott
public class SNACJavaParser extends javax.swing.JFrame {
* Serial ID
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8115653654144568030L;
* GUI Variables
private JPanel title;
private JLabel titleLabel;
private JPanel bodyPanel;
private JPanel parserPanel;
private JSeparator jSeparator2;
private JButton parseWithSNAC;
private JSeparator jSeparator3;
private JProgressBar parseProgressBar;
private JSeparator jSeparator4;
private JLabel parseProgressLabel;
private JSeparator jSeparator1;
private JLabel fromXMLFileLabel;
private JLabel fromXMLFileLocationLabel;
private JButton fromXMLFileButton;
private JLabel toJSONFileLabel;
private JLabel toJSONFileLocationLabel;
private JButton toJSONFileButton;
* Reconciliation File Variables
private String fromXMLFile;
private String toJSONFile;
//Set Look & Feel
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
// Silently ignoring errors
* Main Method
* Creates an instance of this GUI and starts the example
* @param args Command-line arguments
* @throws IOException
* @throws SecurityException
public static void main(String[] args) throws SecurityException, IOException {
//Mac Niceness
System.setProperty("", "SNAC EAC-CPF Utility");
Handler fh = new FileHandler("log2.txt");
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
SNACJavaParser inst = new SNACJavaParser();
* Constructor
* Calls JFrame's constructor and then initializes and displays the GUI
public SNACJavaParser() {
* Initialize GUI
* Builds the JFrame to display to the user.
private void initGUI() {
try {
BorderLayout thisLayout = new BorderLayout();
title = new JPanel();
getContentPane().add(title, BorderLayout.NORTH);
title.setSize(700, 100);
titleLabel = new JLabel("<html><body style='text-align: center;'><p style='font-size: 25px;'>SNAC EAC-CPF Utility</p><p style='color: #B40404'>Pre-Alpha Test Version</p></body></html>", SwingConstants.CENTER);
titleLabel.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(700, 100));
//continue building GUI
bodyPanel = new JPanel();
FlowLayout bodyPanelLayout = new FlowLayout();
getContentPane().add(bodyPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
parserPanel = new JPanel();
parserPanel.setSize(700, 200);
parserPanel.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(700, 200));
// lookup buttons
fromXMLFileLabel = new JLabel();
fromXMLFileLabel.setText("EAC-CPF XML File: ");
fromXMLFileLocationLabel = new JLabel();
fromXMLFileButton = new JButton();
fromXMLFileButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
// Pop up a file chooser for the user to pick a CSV file
JFileChooser chooser2 = new JFileChooser();
chooser2.setDialogTitle("Choose an XML File.");
chooser2.setFileFilter(new FileNameExtensionFilter("EAC-CPF XML Files", "xml"));
int returnVal = chooser2.showOpenDialog(null);
if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
fromXMLFile = chooser2.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath();
jSeparator1 = new JSeparator();
jSeparator1.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(700, 6));
toJSONFileLabel = new JLabel();
toJSONFileLabel.setText("Destination JSON File: ");
toJSONFileLocationLabel = new JLabel();
toJSONFileButton = new JButton();
toJSONFileButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
// Pop up a file chooser for the user to find a directory and
// enter a filename for the destination CSV.
JFileChooser chooser2 = new JFileChooser();
chooser2.setDialogTitle("Choose a Destination JSON File (optional).");
chooser2.setFileFilter(new FileNameExtensionFilter("JSON Constellation Files","json"));
int returnVal = chooser2.showSaveDialog(null);
if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
toJSONFile = chooser2.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath();
jSeparator2 = new JSeparator();
jSeparator2.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(700, 6));
parseWithSNAC = new JButton();
parseWithSNAC.setText("Schematron Validate");
parseWithSNAC.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
// If a to and from file are set, then stand up a reconcile worker to
// do the work and reconcile against snac. This GUI will be updated on
// the progress of the worker.
if (fromXMLFile != null) {
try {
// do the reconcile loop in the background
final SNACJavaSchematronValidator rw = new SNACJavaSchematronValidator(fromXMLFile, toJSONFile, true);
rw.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(
PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
if ("progress" == evt.getPropertyName()) {
int progress = (Integer) evt.getNewValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
// Silently ignoring errors
// Reconcile with SNAC button
parseWithSNAC = new JButton();
parseWithSNAC.setText("Parse with SNAC");
parseWithSNAC.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
// If a to and from file are set, then stand up a reconcile worker to
// do the work and reconcile against snac. This GUI will be updated on
// the progress of the worker.
if (fromXMLFile != null) {
try {
// do the reconcile loop in the background
final SNACJavaParserWorker rw = new SNACJavaParserWorker(fromXMLFile, toJSONFile, true);
rw.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(
PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
if ("progress" == evt.getPropertyName()) {
int progress = (Integer) evt.getNewValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
// Silently ignoring errors
jSeparator3 = new JSeparator();
jSeparator3.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(700, 6));
parseProgressBar = new JProgressBar(0, 100);
parseProgressBar.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(600, 20));
jSeparator4 = new JSeparator();
jSeparator4.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(700, 0));
parseProgressLabel = new JLabel();
this.setSize(700, 400);
this.setTitle("SNAC EAC-CPF Utility");
} catch (Exception e) {
// Silently ignoring errors
* SNAC Reconciliation Example (CBW Java Example)
* For the full license, see the LICENSE file in the repository root
* @author Robbie Hott
* @license BSD 3-Clause
* @copyright 2017 the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and
* the Regents of the University of California
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JProgressBar;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JSeparator;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter;
* CBW Reconciler UI
* This is the GUI interface class that prompts the user to choose CSV files to reconcile against SNAC.
* @author Robbie Hott
public class SNACJavaParserConstellationWindow extends javax.swing.JFrame {
* Serial ID
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8115653654144568030L;
* GUI Variables
private JPanel title;
private JLabel titleLabel;
private JPanel bodyPanel;
private JPanel parserPanel;
private JTextArea parsedDisplay;
//Set Look & Feel
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
// Silently ignoring errors
* Constructor
* Calls JFrame's constructor and then initializes and displays the GUI
public SNACJavaParserConstellationWindow(String constellation) {
public static void showConstellation(String constellation) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
SNACJavaParserConstellationWindow inst = new SNACJavaParserConstellationWindow(constellation);
* Initialize GUI
* Builds the JFrame to display to the user.
public void initGUI(String constellation) {
try {
BorderLayout thisLayout = new BorderLayout();
title = new JPanel();
getContentPane().add(title, BorderLayout.NORTH);
title.setSize(900, 40);
titleLabel = new JLabel("<html><body style='text-align: center; font-size: 20px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;'>Parsed Constellation</body></html>", SwingConstants.CENTER);
titleLabel.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(900, 40));
//continue building GUI
bodyPanel = new JPanel();
FlowLayout bodyPanelLayout = new FlowLayout();
getContentPane().add(bodyPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
parserPanel = new JPanel();
parserPanel.setSize(900, 700);
parserPanel.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(900, 700));
parsedDisplay = new JTextArea();
JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(parsedDisplay);
sp.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(900, 700));
this.setSize(900, 800);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Silently ignoring errors
* SNAC Reconciliation Example (CBW Java Example)
* For the full license, see the LICENSE file in the repository root
* @author Robbie Hott
* @license BSD 3-Clause
* @copyright 2017 the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and
* the Regents of the University of California
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JProgressBar;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JSeparator;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter;
* CBW Reconciler UI
* This is the GUI interface class that prompts the user to choose CSV files to reconcile against SNAC.
* @author Robbie Hott
public class SNACJavaParserErrorWindow extends javax.swing.JFrame {
* Serial ID
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8115653654144568030L;
* GUI Variables
private JPanel title;
private JLabel titleLabel;
private JPanel bodyPanel;
private JPanel parserPanel;
private JTextArea parseErrors;
//Set Look & Feel
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
// Silently ignoring errors
* Constructor
* Calls JFrame's constructor and then initializes and displays the GUI
public SNACJavaParserErrorWindow(String errors) {
public static void showErrors(String errors) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
SNACJavaParserErrorWindow inst = new SNACJavaParserErrorWindow(errors);
* Initialize GUI
* Builds the JFrame to display to the user.
public void initGUI(String errors) {
try {
BorderLayout thisLayout = new BorderLayout();
title = new JPanel();
getContentPane().add(title, BorderLayout.NORTH);
title.setSize(900, 40);
titleLabel = new JLabel("<html><body style='text-align: center; font-size: 20px;'>Parse Errors</body></html>", SwingConstants.CENTER);
titleLabel.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(900, 40));
//continue building GUI
bodyPanel = new JPanel();
FlowLayout bodyPanelLayout = new FlowLayout();
getContentPane().add(bodyPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
parserPanel = new JPanel();
parserPanel.setSize(900, 700);
parserPanel.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(900, 700));
parseErrors = new JTextArea();
JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(parseErrors);
sp.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(900, 700));
this.setSize(900, 800);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Silently ignoring errors
* SNAC Reconciliation Example (CBW Java Example)
* For the full license, see the LICENSE file in the repository root
* @author Robbie Hott
* @license BSD 3-Clause
* @copyright 2017 the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and
* the Regents of the University of California
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.swing.SwingWorker;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
* CBW Reconcile Worker
* This class does the actual work of connecting to SNAC and requesting for reconciliation.
* It also handles the result from the server (JSON) and parses the data into a CSV.
* @author Robbie Hott
public class SNACJavaParserWorker extends SwingWorker<Void, Void> {
* Filenames to use
private String fromFile;
private String toFile;
private Boolean displayResult;
* Progress of the reconciliation
double progress;
* Where the application is currently looking
String progressText;
* Constructor
* Create a new worker using the given from and to filenames.
* @param from CSV file to read from
* @param to CSV file to write to
public SNACJavaParserWorker (String from, String to, Boolean displayResult) {
fromFile = from;
toFile = to;
progress = 0.0;
progressText = "";
this.displayResult = displayResult;
* Background worker
* SwingWorker calls this method when it spawns the new worker thread. This method
* then calls the actual reconcile method to perform the reconcilation.
public Void doInBackground() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Silently ignoring errors
return null;
* Set the progress text
* @param text String to use for the progress text
private void setProgressText(String text) {
progressText = text;
* Get progress text
* Returns the current progress status (what individual in the CSV file the system is currently looking at)
* @return The progress text
public String getProgressText() {
return progressText;
* Main Reconcile Method
* This method performs the heart of the client-side reconciliation process.
* @throws Exception
private void reconcile() throws Exception {
setProgressText("Reading XML file");
String xmlContents = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(fromFile)), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
setProgressText("Encoding XML file");
String base64Encoded = new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode(xmlContents.getBytes()));
setProgressText("Querying SNAC-Alpha");
// Create the JSON query string for the SNAC RestAPI
String query = "{"+
"\"command\" : \"parse_eac\"," +
"\"file\" : { " +
"\"content\" : \"" + base64Encoded + "\"," +
"\"mime-type\" : \"text/xml\"" +
"}" +
// Perform connection to SNAC
HttpURLConnection httpcon = (HttpURLConnection) ((new URL("").openConnection()));
httpcon.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
setProgressText("Reading response from SNAC-Alpha");
// Write the query to the RestAPI
byte[] outputBytes = query.getBytes("UTF-8");
OutputStream os = httpcon.getOutputStream();
// Read the response from the RestAPI
String resultStr = null;
try {
InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(httpcon.getInputStream());
resultStr =, "UTF-8");
} catch (Exception e) {
setProgressText("SNAC-Alpha could not parse input: Invalid XML File");
JSONObject resultObj = null;
try {
resultObj = new JSONObject(resultStr);
} catch (JSONException je) {
setProgressText("SNAC-Alpha returned with an error");
// Close the connection
setProgressText("Parsing response from SNAC");
// If reconciliation succeeded, then process the results
// Use a pre-packaged writer to write out the CSV file
FileWriter writer = null;
if (toFile != null)
writer = new FileWriter(toFile);
if (resultObj.has("constellation") && resultObj.has("result")) {
setProgressText("Writing JSON file from SNAC");
if (writer != null)
if (displayResult)
SNACInfoWindow.showWindow("Parsed Constellation" ,resultObj.getJSONObject("constellation").toString(4));
// Close the CSV Writer
if (writer != null)
// Update the progress to 100%
if (resultObj.has("result") && resultObj.getString("result").equals("success"))
progressText = "Complete";
progressText = "Complete -- with errors";
String errors = "";
if (resultObj.has("unparsed")) {
for (int j = 0; j < resultObj.getJSONArray("unparsed").length(); j++) {
String line = resultObj.getJSONArray("unparsed").getString(j).trim();
if (!line.isEmpty())
errors += line + "\r\n";
if (!errors.isEmpty())
SNACInfoWindow.showWindow("Parse Errors", errors);
* SNAC Reconciliation Example (CBW Java Example)
* For the full license, see the LICENSE file in the repository root
* @author Robbie Hott
* @license BSD 3-Clause
* @copyright 2017 the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and
* the Regents of the University of California
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.swing.SwingWorker;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.oclc.purl.dsdl.svrl.FailedAssert;
import org.oclc.purl.dsdl.svrl.SchematronOutputType;
import com.helger.schematron.ISchematronResource;
import com.helger.schematron.pure.SchematronResourcePure;
import com.helger.schematron.xslt.SchematronResourceSCH;
* CBW Reconcile Worker
* This class does the actual work of connecting to SNAC and requesting for reconciliation.
* It also handles the result from the server (JSON) and parses the data into a CSV.
* @author Robbie Hott
public class SNACJavaSchematronValidator extends SwingWorker<Void, Void> {
* Filenames to use
private String fromFile;
private String toFile;
private Boolean displayResult;
* Progress of the reconciliation
double progress;
* Where the application is currently looking
String progressText;
* Constructor
* Create a new worker using the given from and to filenames.
* @param from CSV file to read from
* @param to CSV file to write to
public SNACJavaSchematronValidator (String from, String to, Boolean displayResult) {
fromFile = from;
toFile = to;
progress = 0.0;
progressText = "";
this.displayResult = displayResult;
* Background worker
* SwingWorker calls this method when it spawns the new worker thread. This method
* then calls the actual reconcile method to perform the reconcilation.
public Void doInBackground() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Silently ignoring errors
return null;
* Set the progress text
* @param text String to use for the progress text
private void setProgressText(String text) {
progressText = text;
* Get progress text
* Returns the current progress status (what individual in the CSV file the system is currently looking at)
* @return The progress text
public String getProgressText() {
return progressText;
* Main Reconcile Method
* This method performs the heart of the client-side reconciliation process.
* @throws Exception
private void validate() throws Exception {
setProgressText("Reading XML file");
//InputStream schematronStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("SNAC_EAC-CPF_ValidationProfile.sch");
//File schematron = new File(SNACJavaSchematronValidator.class.getResource("SNAC_EAC-CPF_ValidationProfile.sch"));
//File schematron = new File("schematron/SNAC_EAC-CPF_ValidationProfile.sch");
File xmlFile = new File(fromFile);
// final ISchematronResource aResPure = SchematronResourcePure.fromFile (schematron);
// if (!aResPure.isValidSchematron ()) {
// FileReader r = new FileReader(schematron);
// String text = new String(Files.readAllBytes(schematron.toPath()), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
// System.err.println(text);
// progressText = "Invalid Schematron!";
// setProgress(100);
// return;
// }
final ISchematronResource aResSCH = SchematronResourceSCH.fromClassPath("SNAC_EAC-CPF_ValidationProfile.sch");
//final ISchematronResource aResSCH = SchematronResourceSCH. .fromFile(schematron);
if (!aResSCH.isValidSchematron ()) {
//FileReader r = new FileReader(schematron);
//String text = new String(Files.readAllBytes(schematron.toPath()), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
progressText = "Invalid Schematron!";
boolean result = aResSCH.getSchematronValidity(new StreamSource(xmlFile)).isValid ();
String validationErrors = "";
SchematronOutputType sot = aResSCH.applySchematronValidationToSVRL(new StreamSource(xmlFile));
List<Object> failedAsserts = sot.getActivePatternAndFiredRuleAndFailedAssert();
for (Object object : failedAsserts) {
if (object instanceof FailedAssert) {
FailedAssert failedAssert = (FailedAssert) object;
validationErrors += failedAssert.getText() + "\r\n";
// FileWriter writer = null;
// if (toFile != null)
// writer = new FileWriter(toFile);
// if (displayResult)
// SNACJavaParserConstellationWindow.showConstellation("");
// // Close the CSV Writer
// if (writer != null)
// writer.close();
// Update the progress to 100%
if (result)
progressText = "Validated Successfully";
else {
SNACInfoWindow.showWindow("Validation Errors", validationErrors);
progressText = "Invalid XML File";
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