Commit 5ab9d306 by Robbie Hott

Added CC0 link to the documentation README.

parent 1be90de9
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<p xmlns:dct="" xmlns:vcard="" align="center">
<a rel="license"
<img src="" style="border-style: none;" alt="CC0" />
<br />
To the extent possible under law,
<span resource="[_:publisher]" rel="dct:publisher">
<span property="dct:title">SNAC Cooperative</span></span>
has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
<span property="dct:title">SNAC Documentation</span>.
This work is published from:
<span property="vcard:Country" datatype="dct:ISO3166"
content="US" about="[_:publisher]">
United States</span>.
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