Commit df6b32ac by Robbie Hott

Added specs for metadata

parent 8623416c
# Metadata
Each piece of first-order data in the database may have metadata associated with it. The information the database will keep track of is:
* _source citation_ : The citation associated with this particular first-order data.
* _sub citation_ : The part of the citation associated with this first-order data (i.e. "page 5").
* _source data_ : The text found in the citation related to this first-order data. This is an "as seen" field.
* _descriptive rules_ : The rules associated with creating this first-order data from the source citation.
* _note_ : The note from the user associated with this citation and first-order data.
This specification leads to a SQL database with the following structure:
id int primary key default nextval('id_seq'), -- id for Metadata
fk_id int , -- FK to data described
fk_table text , -- table name for FK
version int , -- version from version_history
citation int , -- FK to source table
sub_citation text , -- subcitation information
source_data text , -- source data
descriptive_rules text , -- FK to vocabulary
note text -- human-readable note
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