Commit fd2b696e by Tom Laudeman

more docs

parent 1fe1a53a
You can edit markdown files from the Gitlab web site. From the Gitlab home page, click a project on the right
side. On the project home page, click "Files" in the left navigation bar. Click a .md file. Click the "Edit"
button on the right side. Update the text and when finished, enter a commit message below, and click the
"Commit Changes" button.
#### Markdown, local complete reference
......@@ -11,6 +16,21 @@
#### Standard markdown notes:
It is a more efficient work flow to work on files locally on your own computer, and use git tools to push the
modified files back to the Gitlab repository.
Important: the URL to "clone" a repository can be found on each project's main page. It will be an ssh URL beginning with "git..." or an HTTP URL beginning with "http..."
Do this: Go to the Gitlab home by clicking the logo (some kind of animal) in the upper left corner. On the
home page click "snac / Documentation". Notice the two buttons at the top center of the page "SSH" and
"HTTP". Click each to change the URL. That URL is what you clone, whether using command line git tools, or a
graphical git client application.
#### SourceTree, Windows and Mac graphical client application for git repositories, including Gitlab and Github.
Markdown is supported
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