Commit 0568868d by Robbie Hott

Added readme and bare files for various pieces of the server.

parent 2c0aec00
# Technical Discussion
This directory contains technical discussions and related notes between developers on the project.
# SNAC Help
This directory contains helpful links and documentation on how to use various pieces of the subsystem. Specifically, it contains help files for Git, Gitlab, and the Markdown syntax.
# Historical Documentation
This directory catalogs documentation related to previous iterations of the SNAC project.
# Technical Notes
This directory contains technical notes related to the SNAC project by developers.
# Third-Party Documentation
This directory contains documentation and links to off-the-shelf components used by the SNAC project.
# Unsorted Documents
This is a temporary-holding facility for documents as they are parsed and placed into the appropriate sections of the documentation.
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