Commit 3fa26c09 by Tom Laudeman

Clarify related_resource_name, new fields

parent 8d2a4986
......@@ -8,16 +8,19 @@ institution.
### Description of new fields and tables
We will add fields to table related_resource, and (perhap?) create new table related_resource_name. We will have to go back to the originally extracted SNAC CPF files because we need additional fields from both MODS and EAD.
We will add fields to table related_resource, and create new table related_resource_creator (was
related_resource_name). We will have to go back to the originally extracted SNAC CPF files because we need 2
additional fields from MODS (datafield 040$a, 300), and 1 field from EAD (prefercite).
In the case of MODS we need 2 fields.
From WorldCat MARC we need:
1) the original WorldCat "institution identifier" which is either an OCLC Symbol or a Marc Organization
Identifier. A software pipeline will process this data into additional fields in table related_resource, as
well as new constellations for each repository. Ideally, the new constellations will have an address and other
geographic information as part of their place element.
1) The original WorldCat 040$a "institution identifier" which is either an OCLC Symbol or a Marc Organization
Identifier. We already have this data, and a software pipeline is processing this data into additional fields
in table related_resource, as well as new constellations for each repository. Ideally, the new constellations
will have an address and other geographic information as part of their place element.
2) The 300 extent data which is human readable information about the size/extent of the archival materials
2) the 300 extent data which is human readable information about the size/extent of the archival materials
In the case of EAD we need the \<prefercite> element where there is no \<repository> element. We will review
the data since the two elements are not supposed to be interchangable. Element prefercite contains the
......@@ -25,21 +28,42 @@ institution name and often the address as well, often in a single line. There is
repository is missing or empty. We there is a good repository, prefercite usually seems to be left out or
Question: Why are we using resource name instead of doing a join to the related constellation via ic_id? Does
related_resource_name exist for performance reasons?
Repository name/info is saved in a constellation, and any resources that need it will link to it via ic_ic as
a foreign key relation. A repository's role is always "repository" or
todo: are there other role types? Answer: There sort of can't be, but we need to do something with them.
Need to scan through the data for non-repo, non-orig.
Note: repository is superceded by looking up oclc/marc org code or ead repo.
Resource language is a many-to-one. Use a reverse foreign key from the multiple records in the language
table, back to the
related_resource_creator is creator aka origination aka originationName as from ResourceRelationstoPostgres.txt
Example: A constellation has resourceRelation to a field book (archival object) written by Clausen, Jens (Jens
Christian), 1891-1969. The related resource creator is Clausen, Jens (Jens Christian), 1891-1969.
Resource language is a many-to-one relation related resource. We use a reverse foreign key from each related
record in the language table, back to the This means we have to parse the EAD
langmaterial/language elements.
We do not have language for MARC derived records. While it is possible to get some language info from the MARC
546, the values are discursive as opposed to language codes, or even a textual language name.
``` and language.fk_table='related_resource'
Resource name is a many-to-one. Use a reverse foreign key from related_resource_name.fk_id to
Resource creator name is a many-to-one. Use a reverse foreign key from related_resource_creator.fk_id to
``` and related_resource_name.fk_table='related_resource' and related_resource_creator.fk_table='related_resource'
The place and address associated with a repository is handled via a place in the constellation. Address data
......@@ -63,12 +87,14 @@ Several new fields are added to the related_resource table:
As noted above, we did not capture the MARC 300 extent, so I will have to parse the original WorldCat records for that data.
The related_resource_name table is new.
The related_resource_creator table is new.
-- The role aka roleTerm of repo_ic_id is always
create table related_resource (
id int default nextval('id_seq'),
version int not null,
......@@ -80,22 +106,32 @@ create table related_resource (
href text, -- @xlink:href, link to the resource
relation_type text, -- @resourceRelationType, only from AnF, maybe put in a second table
relation_entry text, -- relationEntry (name) of the related eac-cpf record (should be unnecessary in db)
relation_entry_type text, -- relationEntry@localType, AnF, always "archiva"?
relation_entry_type text, -- relationEntry@localType, AnF, always "archival"?
descriptive_note text,
object_xml_wrap text, -- from objectXMLWrap, xml
repo_ic_id int, -- holding repository ic_id, fk to ic_id
res_title text, -- resource title, from EAD?
res_abstract text, -- resource abstract, from EAD
res_extent text, -- resource extent, from EAD
res_title text, -- resource title, from EAD?
res_abstract text, -- resource abstract, from EAD/
res_extent text, -- resource extent, from EAD and from original MARC
primary key(id, version)
create table related_resource_name (
-- This is origination name aka creator.
-- No need for field role aka roleTerm since all these names are creators.
-- This table can be updated via the web UI, so it needs the id,version,ic_id. Name is simply a string and we
-- will not require them to be SNAC identities at this time. Later we will link these names to constellations
-- via ic_id.
create table related_resource_creator (
id int default nextval('id_seq'),
version int not null,
ic_id int not null,
name text,
fk_id int, -- fk to
ic_id int, -- ic_id of this creator, eventually filled in by humans
name text, -- name of creator of the related resource
fk_id int, -- fk to
fk_table text default 'related_resource' -- related table name
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