Commit 4494b378 by Tom Laudeman

Add spec for SNAC institution table and functions

......@@ -25,6 +25,35 @@ There is an interactive schema web site: [Schema web site](http://shannonvm.vill
We need to add a new table snac_institutions which is a linking table identifying which constellations are
SNAC institutions. This is used by the user admin code to show/search institutional affiliation.
The UI will put these entries into a selector widget allowing admins to assign an constellation id as the
affiliated SNAC institution of a user, that is appuser.affiliation = snac_institutions.related_id =
The SQL function that reads this table (perhaps selectInstitution()) should join on table nrd and include the
ARK in the results.
The low level sql select function can return constellation id. Then the higher level function in DBUtil will
call readConstellation() with summary=true for each constellation id. This gives us a list of summary
constellations that includes name and ARK. The script add_user.php relies on ARK since that is independent
constellation id.
Related functions:
DBUtil.php writeSNACInstitution() readAllSNACInstitution()
SQL.php insertSNACInstitution() selectAllSNACInstitution()
readAllSNACInstitution() should return a list of summary Constellation objects
create table snac_institutions (
id int default nextval('id_seq'),
related_id int, -- fk to, aka ic_id of the institution SNAC constellation
descriptive_note text -- ignore if you wish, but might be useful
### Multiple names, alternate names, components
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