Commit 4c483cd6 by twl8n

New authorization role table, improved role scope

parent c6e249b2
......@@ -525,27 +525,57 @@ Every account will be in the "Researcher" role which has the same privileges as
TBD set of basic privileges including: search history, certain researcher reports.
| User type | Role | Description |
| Sysadmin | Server admin, Web admin | Maintain server, backups, etc. |
| DBA | Server admin, DB admin, Web admin | Schema maintenance, data dumps, etc. |
| Programmer | Server admin, Web admin | Coding, testing, QA, release management, data loading, etc. |
| Manager | Web admin | Web account creation, account management, privilege management, web reporting |
| Peer vetting | Vetting | Reviewing applicant Moderators, Reviewers, Content experts, uses the Vetting UI |
| Moderator | Moderator | Reviewing Maintenance changes and posting those changes, is vetted |
| Reviewer/editor | Maintenance | Has Maintainer privileges, affiliated with an institution and vouchedfor by that institution, vetted, interacts with Moderators |
| Content expert | Maintenance | Not affiliated with an institution, a domain expert, has Maintainer privileges, vetted, interacts with Moderators |
| Documentary editor | | |
| Maintenance | (Same as Reviewer/editor?) | |
| Researcher (read-only) | Researcher | The main consumer of SNAC, uses the public web interface to search and discover, has an account so they can save searches and use other session related features |
| Institutional archival description donor | Block upload | Member of an institution that donates blocks of descriptions, may have block upload privs, may have update privs |
| Name authority manager | Name authority | Someone in charge of  a name authority, donates descriptions to SNAC, may have some Admin privs to update descriptions, may have bulk upload privs |
| Institutional admins | | These users need an admin dashboard with corresponding reports. We may need to have sub-institution accounts and that gets tricky because we don't want to be mixed up in internal institutional politics. |
| | | Certain users will be distinguished by having access to administrative |
| | | reports for their institution (but probably not for other institutions). |
| User type | Role | Description |
| Sysadmin | Server admin | Maintain server, backups, etc. |
| DBA | DB admin | Schema maintenance, data dumps, etc. |
| Software engineer | Developer | Coding, testing, QA, release management, data loading, etc. |
| Manager | Web admin | Web accounts: create, manage, assign roles, run reports |
| Peer vetting | Vetting | Approve moderators, reviewers, content experts |
| Moderator | Moderator | Approve maintenance changes, posting those changes |
| Reviewer/editor | Maintenance | Maintainer privileges, interacts with moderators |
| Content expert | Maintenance | Domain expert, may have zero institutional roles |
| Documentary editor | Maintenance | Distinguished by? |
| Maintenance | Maintenance | Distinguished by? |
| Researcher | Researcher | Use the discovery interface and history dashboard |
| Archival description donor | Block upload | Bulk uploads of CPF or finding aids |
| Name authority manager | Name authority | Donates name authority data perhaps via bulk upload |
| Institutional admins | Institutional admin | Admin dashboard, institutional reports |
| Public | Researcher | No account, researcher role, no dashboard, or single session dashboard |
Not listed above are "is instution member" roles. Any user can have zero or more roles that define their
instutional privileges. This primarily effects reporting and admin. In the case of reports, membership in an
institution constrains the reporting. When setting up a report, users may only choose from institutions of
which they are members. Some reports may auto-detect the user's membership.
Institutional Admins have the ability: view membership lists of their institution(s), and to add or remove
their instutional role for users. It is possible for an institutional admin to be a member of more than one
Roles which require one or more instutitutional roles (affiliation):
- Block upload
- Name authority
- Institutional admin
Roles which may have zero or more institutional roles:
- Web admin
- Vetting
- Moderator
- Maintenance (likely to have one or more)
- Researcher
There are several dashboard sections:
- Standard researcher history
- Standard user account management (password, email, etc.)
- Web admin account creation, deletion, role assignments
- Vetting admin (if we have vetting)
- Available reports.
#### Web Application Administration
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