Commit 698960fb by Tom Laudeman

Add info about marc 041 language codes

parent 26b8e722
......@@ -19,23 +19,31 @@ We will add fields to table related_resource, and create new table related_resou
related_resource_name). We will have to go back to the original source files because we need 3
additional fields from WorldCat MARC (datafield 040$a, 041, 300), and 1 field from EAD (prefercite).
From WorldCat MARC we need:
WorldCat MARC:
1) The original WorldCat 040$a "institution identifier" which is either an OCLC Symbol or a Marc Organization
Identifier. We already have this data, and a software pipeline is processing this data into additional fields
in table related_resource, as well as new constellations for each repository. Ideally, the new constellations
will have an address and other geographic information as part of their place element.
1) (Institutional data gathering is already underway.) The original WorldCat 040$a "institution identifier" is
either an OCLC Symbol or a Marc Organization Identifier. We already have this code, and a software pipeline is
being developed to process this data and gather additional fields. The data will be used to populate fields in
related_resource, as well as creating new constellation stubs as necessary for each repository. When complete
data is available, the new constellations will have an address and other geographic information as part of
their place element.
2) The 041 if it exists may have a subfield with a language code.
2) The 041$a, if it exists may have a subfield with a language code. There may be multiple 041$a fields, or
there may be multiple 3 letter language codes in a single 041$a. Daniel's document is unclear about how many
language codes to use. He says it is repeatable, but then refers to language as "it" in the singular. He seems
to intend that we look at a 041 subfields for 3 letter language codes.
3) The 300 extent data which is human readable information about the size/extent of the archival materials
In the case of EAD we need the \<prefercite> element where there is no \<repository> element. We will review
the data since the two elements are not supposed to be interchangable. Element prefercite contains the
institution name and often the address as well, often in a single line. There is often a prefercite when
repository is missing or empty. We there is a good repository, prefercite usually seems to be left out or
In the case of EAD we need the \<prefercite> element where there is no \<repository> element. We don't have
prefercite in the objectXMLWrap, so we must re-parse the original EAD. When parsing the original files, it
might be best to gather both prefercite and repository. We will review the data since the two elements are not
supposed to be interchangable. Element prefercite contains the institution name and often the address as well,
often in a single line. There is often a prefercite when repository is missing or empty. We there is a good
repository, prefercite usually seems to be left out or empty.
Repository name/info is saved in a constellation, and any resources that need it will link to it via ic_ic as
a foreign key relation. A repository's role is always "repository" or
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