Commit 8c796b47 by Tom Laudeman

Expanding db requirements

parent 243f6a31
### Introduction
This document gives background and some commentary about the schema. The details of schema are best seen by
reading the schema SQL files which contain extensive comments.
A related document is the Data Overview: [Data Overview](Data
The specifications have details about implementation: [Schema SQL](../Specifications/Schema
The schema consists of several SQL text files which can be found in the SNAC source tree in
install/sql_files/. There are two types of SQL files: tables, and data. The table files create tables and
indexes. The data files are for static data such as controlled vocabulary and place data.
| File | Type | Description |
| install/sql_files/initialize_users.sql | data | init default system users and roles (privileges) |
| install/sql_files/languages.sql | data | language codes and descriptive labels |
| install/sql_files/places_vocabulary.sql | data | place entries, gatherd from the CPF files |
| install/sql_files/places_vocabulary_init.sql | tables | place schema |
| install/sql_files/schema.sql | tables | the main schema, especially constellation |
| install/sql_files/schema_meta.xml | xml | table constraints in XML for use by SchemaSpy |
| install/sql_files/scripts.sql | data | written script codes and descriptive labels |
| install/sql_files/vocabulary.sql | data | 400,000 terms for all controlled vocab |
| install/sql_files/vocabulary_init.sql | table | vocabulary table schema |
### Background
It is important to realize that SNAC is not a document-oriented system. The database stores all the normal
EAC-CPF elements and attributes in a relational data model. This vastly improves every aspect of performance,
and guarantees data integrity as well as handling critical features such as database management.
The schema itself is fairly simple. Using Postgres we make extensive use of "sequences". A sequence is a
special table that exists to generate unique numbers. We use a single sequence across all data tables. This
powerful and elegant features simplifies our foreign keys. Every row id of every data table is unique, thus
foreign keys need only consist of the row id (and version number, as it turns out). We use the data type
'text' for all text fields. Postgres 'text' performs as well as varchar, but will accept very large strings,
thus freeing us from varchar size constraints. We do not use foreign key constraints. They carry a large
performance penalty, and our constraints are handled in the PHP code. We also avoid an entire class of
constraint-related bugs by using id_seq for all tables.
Incidentally, sequences use bigint so the max value of a record id is 9223372036854775807. To put that in
perspective, 1000 editors making 1000 changes per second would need 294,471 years to cause the row id values
to roll over. The record id values are never displayed to users, and are only used internally.
We are currently using very simple SQL. There are no views, triggers, or special data types. We don't use
stored procedures, and instead have a single PHP function per query which obviates the needs for stored
procedures, and may actually be faster.
### About version
An basic requirement is to save every edit to a constellation. This is fairly unusual. Most systems have
nightly backups and it is only possible to revert to a given backup, but changes within that time period can't
be discovered or reverted to. The SQL schema uses a constellation ID and version number for every row of every
constellation data table. A version history table tracks all constellations, versions, and per-version
notes. (These notes are akin to git or svn checkin note, not to be confused with CPF source, citation, or
control data.)
Every table contains every version of every edit to any data ever made on that table. Happily, PostgreSQL
(Postgres) and most other SQL databases can easily handle this. Individual record retrieval is generally in
the sub-millisecond range. (A SQL database row is a "record" in the database world, so we will use database
terminology in this document.) However, the complexity of the versioning makes the SNAC SQL queries somewhat
complex. Nearly every query has at least one sub-query. All the queries can be found in SQL.php in the source
code tree.
The tricky part about version is that the most current version number is the max(version) for the current row
id. Even more tricky is that the version that matches some constellation version is for the current row,
max(version) less than or equal to the constellation version. We simplify this by always providing the desired
constellation version. We don't say "current". If we want current we look up the current for the constellation
which is simply max(version), and then use <= that version number for all data.
In SQL the subquery looks like this where data_table is the table name, $1 is the id, $2 is the version:
(select id,max(version) as version from data_table where id=$1 and version<=$2 group by id) as bb
We simply join that subquery with the data_table (a type of self-join) and then the where clause constrains on
not is_deleted.
The situation is slightly more interesting for related tables:
(select id,max(version) as version from related_table where fk_id=$1 and fk_table=$3 and version<=$2 group by id) as bb
Note that fk_id=$1 but we still group by id. The fk_table is a superfluous belt-and-suspenders thing.
### Example data table
See the name data table below. Columns are also known as fields: id, version, ic_id, is_deleted,
preference_score, original.
All data tables have fields: id, version, ic_id, and is_deleted. Fields id and version constitute a unique
primary key. Version is the version number of this row. The constellation ID is ic_id. We never delete
anything, so the field is_delete is set to true when this row has been logically deleted.
The actual data in this table is preference_score and original.
create table name (
id int default nextval('id_seq'),
version int not null,
ic_id int not null,
is_deleted boolean default false,
preference_score float, -- Preference to use this name
original text, -- actual name (in <part>)
primary key(id, version)
### Second order related tables are more interesting
All the first order data of EAC-CPF such as name, occupation, subject, biog-hist, cpf-relation, and
resource-relation (and so on) are related to "the constellation" via id, version, and ic_id. Second order data
is more meta and includes: scm (SNAC Control Meta Data), date, language, place. Each record in these tables is
related to one specific record in a first order table. That relationship is managed via a reverse foreign key
fk_id, which is possible due to use of id_seq for row id values.
In table scm below we see the typical id, version, ic_id, and is_deleted. Actual data fields are citation_id,
sub_citation, source_data, rule_id, and note. Two data fields are actually foreign keys to the vocabulary. See
the section below that describes use of controlled vocabularies.
The foreign key between scm and the related table is fk_id. We never need to use the fk_table. When joining a
first order data table to the related second order data, we know the id and simply join on where ic_id is the same and version=max(version) for the given record id.
We never start with a second order table and an unknown related first order table, but we could. If we join a
row in a second order table to all first order tables using fk_id and version there will only be one row of
one first order table that matches, even without using fk_table. Of course, with fk_table we can simply pull
the related row from the first order data table. We are unable to imagine a situation where we need to do
that, but if it comes up, we can do it.
create table scm (
id int default nextval('id_seq'),
version int not null,
ic_id int not null,
is_deleted boolean default false,
citation_id int, -- fk to
sub_citation text, -- human readable location within the source
source_data text, -- original data "as entered" from CPF
rule_id int, -- fk to some vocabulary of descriptive rules
note text,
fk_id int, -- fk to related
fk_table text -- table name of the related foreign table. This field exists as backup
......@@ -29,19 +29,19 @@ There is an interactive schema web site: [Schema web site](http://shannonvm.vill
### Multiple names, alternate names, components
A constellation may have multiple names. All names are in table name related to the constellation by main_id
A constellation may have multiple entity names. All names are in table name related to the constellation by main_id
as with all first order data. Alternate names are names in all senses, and are only distinguished by having a
less than maximum preference score. We assume that "preferred" name is dependent on context, and that the context
is outside the name table. There will be a function that when given a constellation and a user's account will
return names in preferred order. That function may be complex, and its behavior will be determined by
Names are parse by software into components. Primarily, components exist to separate surname from the rest of
he components, and even then, surname is the "alphabetical listing" name. This concept varies widely by local
custom. The parser may create many components for a name, but as the concepts of "name" and "component" are
very fluid, this aspect is nothing more than a software guess. In fact, there may be no canonical list or
ordering of components. The database allows a single list and a single ordering. As policy evolves this may
Existing names are parsed by software into components. Primarily, components exist to separate surname from
the rest of he components, and even then, surname is the "alphabetical listing" name. This concept varies
widely by local custom. The parser may create many components for a name, but as the concepts of "name" and
"component" are very fluid, this aspect is nothing more than a software guess. In fact, there may be no
canonical list or ordering of components. The database allows a single list and a single ordering. As policy
evolves this may change.
### How dates are stored
Relevant prose has been moved to [Data Overview](/Requirements/Data
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