Commit 96afe12d by twl8n


parent e5461641
TAT Functional Requirements
#### Authors
Tom Laudeman, Technical lead, University of Virginia, Institute for
Advanced Technology in the Humanities
......@@ -16,34 +16,16 @@ Ray R. Larson, U.C. Berkeley - School of Information
Robbie Hott
(other authors add yourselves here)
### Discussion items:
#### Organization of documenatation
The order of files is:
[Plan]( (external, broad view roadmap)
plan (external, broad view roadmap)
[Introduction (this document) ](
co-op background
What are .c and .r files in the merged data?
If an .c file is creatorOf (presumably a resourceRelation) where is that
preserved in the merged data? Check this out vis-a-vis the cpf SQL db.
Edit UI data field validation API
Most data entry needs validation, so we should plan for a validation
layer that interacts with the UI and with the database. The ideal
architecture is rule based validation as opposed to some hard coded ad
hoc system. It would be even better if the rules were saved to the
database and had a UI of their own, allowing non-programmers to update
data validation rules (and the concomitant messages show to users when
there is a validation error).
#### Edit architecture requirements
......@@ -29,6 +29,19 @@
#### Code we write
- Data validation API
- rule based system abstracted out of the code
- rules are data
- change the rules, not the actual application code
- rules for broad classes of data type, or granular rules for individual fields
- probably used this to untaint data as well (remove things that are potential security problems)
- send all data through this API
- every rule includes a message describing what when wrong and suggesting fixes
- rules potentially editable by non-programmers
- rules are based on co-op data policies, which implies a data policy document, or the rules **can** be the
policy documentation.
- Identitiy Reconciliation (aka IR) (architect Robbie)
- needs docs wrangled
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